YouTube cartoon reviewers complaining about the Shrek 5 trailer having too much "social media influence" is extremely funny as fuck when you remember the 2001 movie is absolutely riddled with pop culture references left and right but these people are too blinded by nostalgia to even realize it.
Like, the thing looks like it has barelly eaten in weeks.
The others are fine tho: fiona and felicia look fine, shrek DOES look a bit off, but ig 18 years does a lot to an ogre.
my problem lies in the fact that these people have become super spoiled on occasional animated gems + nostalgia to realize that most animated films geared towards children are heavily sanitized corporate sludge.
A Pop/American Idol style singing competition starring Simon Cowell
The bush that looks like Shirley Bassey,
yeah man. last bastion against celebrity voice casts. the shrek franchise.
but i would like to see a little less of celebrity voicecasting, not because they're bad, but id just like to see more varied voices. i wanna hear the character, not "The Rock" or "Chris Pratt"
Which is fucking HILARIOUS to me
-looks at comparison of shrek 1 vs. shrek 5-
"Well, I'm struggling to see how they deviated on it, so they must be on point with the characters"
It was really hard to tell, which meant then did a really good job maintaining the looks of the chars.
it's like Rocko's Modern Life, in the sense of it meaning to be topical.
Like, it's always been lowest common denominator children's content by design so...I'm not sure what these people want different