i think the moral panic over furries is so bad that anything kinky is seen as disturbing and deleted (the werewolf nsfw artist getting banned )
if you try to moralize furry NSFW then why are you even here bruh. go be in the human fandom
if you try to moralize furry NSFW then why are you even here bruh. go be in the human fandom
what's the point of having nonsexual nudity and art of bodies tag if you already slap that shitty label on.
But I wasn’t hear during the closed beta
Like if yer gonna lie to my face and have secret rules then I ain't gonna bother.
I think most sites like this just try to appeal to the most puritanical laws in order to minimize legal friction
(because they are cowardly puritans too)
I'm kinky AF but I'm ace irl and I don't even touch regular porn - I'm more chaste than most normies.
"Why yes I'm between the ages of 16 and 24"
And their journal talking about being banned admits they don't know what piece got them ban, since it was their account and not a post.
I didn't go out of my way to look at their art and assumed people were making a fuss over regular ass furry qorn
The dude had work that was explicitly feral. Not as in someone's OC or a monster where the line is blurred for some, but straight up "that's a dog" NSFW.
And he was reinstated anyway.
It's okay to not like certain things in NSFW, curate your own space 💯
But censorship of any kind is a slippery slope and should never be tolerated
The only difference between feral and anthro porn is how many legs they stand on.
Supposed intelligence doesn't matter in fictional porn. As the subject isn't a living thing.
At the end of the day anthro porn is still an animal's head sucking dick. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You are comparing drawings as the same as actual abuse then maybe you should take OPs advice and leave the furry fandom and join the human one.
Anthros are still animals, you are getting off to animal features at the end of the day so cope
And their journal talking about being banned admits they don't know what piece got them ban, since it was their account and not a post.
schools abstinence-only sex ed (which is what most usa schools teach) statistically have a worse teen pregnancy problem, meanwhile schools that actually teach safe sex have lower numbers of teen pregnancy.
they think that by not telling kids about safe sex, then they won't have sex. they think theyre protecting them, but now those kids dont know how to be safe. so they arent.
Damn, I really need to get better at remembering.
All I’ve seen is people complain about the fantasy shapes and call it zoophilic.
Getting yourself all worked up over made-up and subjective 'rules', what a waste of time, go read a book or draw a dick.