Let that sink in slowly.
The head of the #NACC Paul Brereton, pulled out of appointing one of Australia's best legal minds to investigate Robodebt, because Brereton was scared of the reaction of one of the people they were investigating; Scott Morrison.
The head of the #NACC Paul Brereton, pulled out of appointing one of Australia's best legal minds to investigate Robodebt, because Brereton was scared of the reaction of one of the people they were investigating; Scott Morrison.
Morrison deserves neither consideration nor quarter #FFS
In all likelihood that's where the affinity and empathy with acting with impunity originated...
Depressingly sad that this iteration of Albo has lost his spine and the courage of his convictions 😠
Perhaps about the War Crimes investigation .. 🤔🤔
None of these cogs fit this machine.
Brereton MUST go before this gets to Sofronoff levels of bad.
not of some fallacious ethnic fault
but of moral bankruptcy & corrupt purpose.
A man whose deliberate intent stands counter to, and denigrates the memory, dignity & history of, the antecedent he was named for.
Where is the A-G in all this????
👇🏽 #NACC #auspol
It’s as if the dead don’t matter.
Who knew 🙃
#NACC #auspol
See the archaic language in the NACC Act.
This is Australia’s powerful men with hidden secrets unable to judged
Another wonderful example to our boys
Quite the opposite, significant or even terminal loss of public trust
Brereton must resign
Is NACC another toothless tiger setup to superficially appease? Where's Albo on this?
Thick as thieves but not as nice!
What a betrayal
He's on the nose in Australia.
- menacing
- controlling
- wallpaper