There's something not adding up in this unedifying spectacle of ineptitude. All rational legal minds seem to agree it's a disaster, yet still the ABC continues its very public humiliation
Is the new Chair, Kim Williams, pushing for it to continue to highlight the previous management's incompetency?
Is the new Chair, Kim Williams, pushing for it to continue to highlight the previous management's incompetency?
Reposted from
Simon Rosenberg
"Buttrose was frustrated that she was being targeted by the complainants and that she had repeatedly asked Anderson why Lattouf was still on air."
So the ABC complaints process includes a hot line to the Chair? But only for select "complainants". #LattoufvABC.
So the ABC complaints process includes a hot line to the Chair? But only for select "complainants". #LattoufvABC.
He's making sure that everyone who needs ammo against it is getting it.
We appear paying to protect the inept Captain's choice and her mob of minions. Surely not? Your theory might be on the money!
I just can't see it any other way, no matter how I look at it.
When you look at all the liberal party operatives and news corpse plants on the board and our screens. It's hard to see anything else than the successful infiltration.
There are coinky links and there are coinky dinks
The media narrative is truly pathetic.
Not sure, seems far fetched.
But so does the nest of vipers on display at the moment.
But I’m not sure if fucking over the previous executives really helps the current one. Unless they want everyone to thing they are all stupid
This is a handy opportunity to increase public support for that.
I suspect you are on the money here
Labor picked him coz they're very clever at picking PS Heads.
They picked Chris Jordan for the ATO a few months before they got booted.
They appointed Kathryn Campbell after she was named in Robodebt.
Albanese is an idiot.
I haven’t been following the details
Every public servant knows that Labor Governments hate them.
He is a wily old fox with yrs of experience in media and restructuring organisations.
He turned Fox sports around by culling 80% of staff . Described Murdoch editors as card carrying Neanderthals.
Xmas abc purge has gone on under our noses
Kathy Lette and Catherine Dovey .
Makes you wonder about recruitment in media too.
Investigation warranted as to uneducated author of this unsubstantiated complaint?
Great find by Yasmin Poole.
The #LattoufvABC reminds me of Robodebt, no one taking responsibility or can explain what the actual guidelines were to Ms Lattouf .
But I was talking to a lawyer mate today and she (and I) could not come up with anything even remotely feasible as to why the ABC were continuing with what is obviously, a very public and humiliating hiding to nothing
Would love to see the legal advice on prospects
The content of the barrage of complaints is telling about the extent of political pressure
Ian 'Hendo' Henderson must look on in shame ...
Back then, one strived to make it the ABC Newsroom. The pinnacle of Victorian journalism.
Remember how the commercial networks used to 'pinch them all?' with massive $$$ deals to cross over to commercial TV?
Back when I started you had to work damn hard 'to be picked up by the ABC' and be a good journalist to even get a gig at ABV2 or 3LO. Now ... it's just the Herald Sun on TV or radio.
Bet she still thinks Kerry Packer is alive while waiting for his phone call
There should be #CompulsoryRetirement for those whose assets allow them to live out their lives comfortably
They don't need to work & in some cases it's detrimental to the organisation
On another matter who sent the text to Norman to get a Pfizer before HCW and cancer pts?
Accountability and ethical decision making ?
Sack the entire news and current affairs teams. They've made themselves redundant.
Close Ultimo and reinstate State and Regional offices.
Ultimo is the ultimate "group think" bubble. The Rum Corp state was the worse possible place for a HQ