#Insiders is pure beat-up, hack fodder
A story endlessly chook pecked by low-knowledge, frothy-mouthed content seekers who wouldn't know a real military crisis if it bit their collective arses
A 3 outta 10 story fanned & fed by the opposition and whoops - today Dutton pledges $3B on stealth jets 🤔
A story endlessly chook pecked by low-knowledge, frothy-mouthed content seekers who wouldn't know a real military crisis if it bit their collective arses
A 3 outta 10 story fanned & fed by the opposition and whoops - today Dutton pledges $3B on stealth jets 🤔
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As usual Spud Dutton talks up tough on shit he knows nothing about & the ticklish twits in the gallery get all titillated thinking they’re in on the great secrets of strategy.
Ring Hugh White, Keating & Beasley if you need to understand actual strategy.
The usual pre election nonsense is ramping up.
Not one …
That just goes to show how woeful is the political commentary, that we get from the Murdoch Media and the ABC.
Jebus .. 🙄🙄 .. 😆😆
#auspol #AUKUS
Dutton to the rescue
(Probably to top off reading the weekend Australian.)
Dutton has to be elected to put in order for stealth bombers which arrive 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Meanwhile let's not go into Spud panic mode.
Glad to see The Shot addressed the topic of the Oval Office shitshow at the start of today’s broadcast
" debate".
Says volumes about their opinion of the IQ of the electorate. 😡
As to stealth fighters that are allergic to storms,I remember the original F-111 and the vast amount of money spent to make it airworthy.
Subs are only really useful as a mobile launch platform for nuclear missiles… and surely we’re not getting into that bed?
AUKUS is essentially about 'spying', sharing intelligence between western powers - the hardware is a secondary issue
When they’re quiet, they’re deathly silent, when they gather intelligence.
Cheap, Cheap 🙄
5 eyes would be more secure as 4 eyes at this point.
And assistance for his family in the next election. 🗳️
He a hard faced negotiator.
The last supply was fraught with delays even before the present administration.
A deal with the US for next gen aircraft, apart from not being worth the paper it's written on, would probably require signing over our rare-earth rights
Or we could give just them Gina😉
(Ps: check 👇 profit margin if you're a US middle-man tho.. pay $10M, govt gives you $959M... not bad, hey..!)
"I was still in High School so I don't know much about that"
or something of that ilk
We do the same thing
Here have some knowledge
*mutter* FFS
Even 'Talking Pictures' was dull & boring.
It feels like they've lost interest & are just going through the motions.
They don't get any good guest pollies any more, and there is no debate, just opinion from underwhelming commentators.
Insiders has had its day.