While there's a big group who stayed home for multiple reasons,Most of it is directly due to talking to beltway Dem leaders asking for certain things, being told no& realizing that they just don't represent us.&while of course their are conflicting asks, there are some that aren't, yet not moved on
That's exactly what the article says! The majority of America hates both parties and elections this century have been won by the least loser rather than an actual winner.
Yep, and if u get to the point of who can promise the most and not deliver anyway, while still having a coalition, that will always be facism, because it's always been vibes based.
Look, the GOP's base is mobilized by hating Those People. The Democrats are in their sixth straight cycle of shouting that "democracy is at stake" and then immediately playing nice with an increasingly ugly group of fascists in the name of unity. You can only have Lucy pull the football so often...