The God Hand is so Hellraiser and I love it. Eight volumes in so I've yet to circle back to some of the more grotesque, lightly veiled magic / occult adjacent (?) stuff, but can't wait.
Oh nice others that want to experience sadness just like me! Recently watched the OG anime and started the Vol 1 of the Deluxe. Never hated a villain more than Griffith.
Please make sure you read the version published by Dark Horse. That one has an impecable translation and believe me, the details on Miura’s writing are a MUST. A lot can be lost in bad translations out there.
And to clarify, you're on the standard manga volumes or the deluxe volumes?
As an aside, are you familiar with the Shonen Jump app? Only $2/mo for an insane amount of content~
This sweet old dude going into berserk blind.
I miss Miura-san, but still support the work.
Im glad you guys are checking it out. Its a wild ride.