All Dems have to do is concede nothing. They can offer votes for real Republican concessions—abolition of the debt limit, congressional tariff review, DREAM Act etc., no GOP riders—but not a single vote for GOP-only bills simply to save Republicans from themselves.
The Democrat controlled Senate just passed a bill to torture trans kids and alienate their LGBTQ voters.
And with this, Democrats can extort concessions?
I'm composing emails and scripts.
Give them what they voted for and let them finally feel the pain.
You buy the ticket, you ride the ride.
Finally, when I was very young and foolish I believed that the worse things got, the better because it would speed up revolution. It was stupid then and still is.
It's all on the House.
And Trump and Musk torpedoed the CR, and there is no way the Dems should do anything to help them out of the mess they've created again. They own it.
I am not saying give the Republicans anything meaningful. But try for a solution
And it got them *nothing* except a shit ton of lost elections.
You can't save the voters from themselves forever and you can't pretend they don't have any agency.
But establishment Dems always want to provide an alternative or an explanation. Even if—especially if—it means negotiating against themselves.
I guess I'll see what happens w the suit against the pollster and the publisher before believing there's a rule of law left in the US. ABC caving on a case they weren't at fault in isn't a great sign IMO
Fight like a Republican. Vote like a Democrat.
I lose way to much f’ing sleep over that debt limit ever few months.
And Democrats save Republicans every single time and voters have NO IDEA and vote for Republicans again and again. 🤬
When is this losing supposed to start?
It doesn't matter if this makes them look bad in the moment if it's not stopping their progress overall.
Democrats aren't able to leverage GOP shutdown antics into lasting wins.
Dems are saying fund our priorities or we won't help you pass anything. Seems smart to me.
Instead, they should agree only to 1 month extensions with new demands every month.
1st Extension demand: pass a public option amendment to Obamacare.
What’s your preference for 2nd Extension demand the next month?
The last few weeks seem to have proven that they don't.
like "oh no, this shit is ALL on you."
- just like the GOP in 2009.
Dems need to not outthink themselves.
This is the GOP's folly and they need to pay.