She could have folded, or she could have resigned quietly. How can the NY Dem leadership watch this FedSoc-trained lawyer show more guts and integrity than they’ve mustered combined and not feel immense shame?
The mayor could resign under the acknowledgement that Trump is trying to gain favor in New York. We need more leaders who are willing to stand up against Trumpism. The Fascists cannot win unless we let them.
It's always these deeply conservative women who stand up to Trump the strongest and the loudest. Cassidy Hutchinson, Liz Cheney, Mother Pence, Olivia Troye, Danielle Sassoon...
How about the entire Republican Congress and Senate take a lesson from this?
No. It’s a complete sentence and the plant will continue to spin, heads won’t explode, plus it’s a way to maintain personal integrity, /and that’s something valuable.
What do you want them to do?
Stop this fucking explicit shaming. It doesn’t work (except to prove that You Are The Asshole).
It’s very easy for a line officer to know what to do when commanded explicitly to perform a corrupt act—even Napoleon Bonaparte knew.
Resistance? not so clear cut.
Help them!
The FedSoc's power is in the courts and they worked hard to amass that amount of power.
It was only a matter of time b4 they soured on Trump. Was he too brazen and reckless out of the gate that they are already making their move against him?
The state attorney should look at the evidence and see if there are state laws violated. the federal government can be checked by the states powers. John Adams foresaw someone like trump.
This is where the governor of New York has to grow a spine and force and throw out the mayor of New York. He's a corrupt individual, and he knows it and everybody else knows it.
NY Voters - Call Gov. Kathy Hochul (office no. 518-474-8390) and tell her to fire Eric Adams for his quid pro quo. Hochul has the power to remove Adams under the NY constitution. Hochul: “The allegations are extremely concerning and serious,” adding she’s consulting with other leaders in government…
The Dems are cowards and I continually asking myself in earnest why we keep giving them power they refuse to use. To fend off the obvious forthcoming responses from irrational lefties - yes of course the GOP is worse; that doesn’t mean we don’t also need a new opposition party.
Nancy Pelosi used her recess (that the Dems should not have even taken) to place a bunch of call options on stocks. I’m thrilled that the Pelosi hedge fund is thriving based on all her access to non-public information, but it’s time for new leadership that isn’t at constant risk of stroking out.
To be clear, she doesn't have discretion as to a replacement: if she removes the Mayor (or he resigns), the Public Advocate - Jumaane Williams - becomes Acting Mayor until a special election can be held. (Which might be an issue, given his primary challenges to her in 2018 for LG and 2022 for Gov.)
I don’t think we can assume the Dem leadership in NY isn’t apoplectic about this shit…..
Anyone who thinks they’ve got a handle on the fight yet isn’t being fair to those in these positions. The GD tsunami over them has everyone scrambling.
Dems should start pounding on the issue of inflation and price of groceries! That's what got him elected!!!! FOCUS people!!!!! It's the economy, stupid! It always is!
Immense shame on House and Senate Republicans who sold their dignity and integrity to keep their jobs while the real professionals are risking everything.
Or the elected Republicans who stand by and watch our democracy being destroyed. It took a Republican attorney, who is pregnant to stand up for what is right. speculated - I think cannily - Hochul may be waiting until after the 90 days before primaries date so that a special election's ruled out, removing Andrew Cuomo's best shot at being mayor.
Makes a lot of sense to me. POed I didn't think of it. Congrats to Ms. Glick
Ms. Glick isn't a newbie. It's a pretty shrewd guess. Hochul's response when asked was so ineffably coy, it had to be nonsense. Hochul worked under Cuomo. It's been frequently and reliably reported Cuomo was a monster to work for, so this makes sense.
No. It’s a complete sentence and the plant will continue to spin, heads won’t explode, plus it’s a way to maintain personal integrity, /and that’s something valuable.
Stop this fucking explicit shaming. It doesn’t work (except to prove that You Are The Asshole).
It’s very easy for a line officer to know what to do when commanded explicitly to perform a corrupt act—even Napoleon Bonaparte knew.
Resistance? not so clear cut.
Help them!
It was only a matter of time b4 they soured on Trump. Was he too brazen and reckless out of the gate that they are already making their move against him?
Anyone who thinks they’ve got a handle on the fight yet isn’t being fair to those in these positions. The GD tsunami over them has everyone scrambling.
Give. It. Time.
Wait for the charges to be dropped so as not to distract from this story which is horrifically bad for Trump, but once they are dropped, get his ass.
Makes a lot of sense to me. POed I didn't think of it. Congrats to Ms. Glick