It's #ScanlineSunday. Or should that be BUBSY SUNDAY?
Yes, it's time for some Bubsy 3D on your feeds. After all, what could pawsably go wrong?
RGB Scart on a Bush/Goodman's 14" combi
Yes, it's time for some Bubsy 3D on your feeds. After all, what could pawsably go wrong?
RGB Scart on a Bush/Goodman's 14" combi
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the aesthetic is so good and I love the little noises the woolies make 😭
And honestly, I feel like 'gamers' are quick to shit on any art style that attempts any sort of surrealism unless it's extremely high fidelity.
its not good but its def not the worst ps1 game ever, not even close, not when stuff like iznogoud or tunguska exist
I honestly didn’t like it at all, in fact I hated it. But if people find something to like about it then I’m glad.
I like Bubsy himself and I think he deserved better. Still does