Having lived in the US, I watched in awe as men and women stopped to thank someone in uniform, let service members board first, and revered the military. Where is the guttural, searing hate for this action? So sad.
I implore you all to read On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder. It is a short 120 page read. I ordered five copies for $7 each to hand out to people who might read and share it. It is arranged around 20 topics of action - both things to not do and things to do even today to resist and fight Tyranny.
There is no DEI in the trenches, only DIEing. The idea that Bone Spurs Trump, Marine Paper Boy Vance, and illegal South African immigrant Musk can do this should make every veteran furious. Are they Brothers in Arms or not?
This makes me sick and full of rage! My cousins, nephews, nieces, aunties, and uncles are BPOC. ALL have served honorably in every branch of our military during every war. And this regime is erasing them! Grab every book and article about these soldiers now! Don't let them Whitewash history!
Historic speech in DC, 14.03.25. Delivering 1000% the energy needed for this historic moment was founder of American Opposition; Carlos Alvarez-Aranyos.
"WE are the American people! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY! And WE will NEVER allow them to STEAL it from us. So will you all PLEASE: STAND THE FUCK UP!!!!"
Yes! We are a fckn threat to pea brain CIS Straight White Males who are under qualified, under educated, & who want their whiteness to take them farther than their intelligence can carry them.
And to this I say, "We need to keep breaking records, achieve on the most highest levels & more.
There is only 1 way to beat these pricks, but you'll have to sacrifice. Stop buying there crap. Hurting their pockets is the only way to defeat them without shedding blood. However, sometimes blood needs to be shed for future generations to understand why, mainly the ultra rich need be targeted.
DEI-ing the dead at Arlington shows just how far the white supremacist in the WH and country plan to go. There is no hiding it now, for they are going ALL THE WAY with destroying the US Constitution. There is no doubt.
And it gets worse. They desecrated Major General Charles Calvin's Rogers' honor by adding "DEI" to the URL that is supposed to point to a page honoring him.
Where is Congress!?
Brad-Houston Texas.
"WE are the American people! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY! And WE will NEVER allow them to STEAL it from us. So will you all PLEASE: STAND THE FUCK UP!!!!"
And to this I say, "We need to keep breaking records, achieve on the most highest levels & more.