Alright, this is not tech related so hope you're not following me just for that.
The SF Bay Area just is too gender imbalanced. Ballroom dance is mostly guys. I went to a mixer for kink community yesterday and it was almost all guys (guys here meaning people who use she/her pronouns).
The SF Bay Area just is too gender imbalanced. Ballroom dance is mostly guys. I went to a mixer for kink community yesterday and it was almost all guys (guys here meaning people who use she/her pronouns).
I wouldn't say that friendships take years to form for me, just that... I can still feel the difference between a friend I met six months ago and one I've known for half my life.
Wow, Seattle looks kinda fucked gender-balance-wise too. Portland seems actually balanced, NYC was female slanted. What was interesting was a place like Simi Valley where the overall ratio is balanced, but the 25-35 demo is off.