My folks looked at a house in Pratts Bottom and I cried and said I didn't want to live in a prat's bottom so they chose Orpington (28 years old I was etcetc)
My proudest moment was getting my Dads old curse, he died in 2010, into the Viz Hail Sweary dictionary of obscenities knowing it will be preserved forever in the Vatican and Cambridge University library.
She's not laughing about bras and tits. She's keeping you abreast of her jaunt through the countryside. Maybe you should stop watching so much Benny Hill.
Good grief… people are just determined to be offended by everything.
I still laugh at the fact that the towns “Intercourse,” “Middlesex,” and “Blue Ball” are all in my state and pretty much form a line with Middlesex in the middle. 😆
I cycle through a village in Sussex called Upper Dicker. I prefer it to Lower Dicker which is nearby. True story! I used to live in South Yorkshire near a town called Penistone. Also true!!
I don't know why not. My bras are a fact of my life with my tits. Bigger is not better. Fact. The proof is in the lack of support for this project. What is wrong with these people? This is life. What am I supposed to do? Stay in bed all day because we can't talk about this? I watch Benny Hill.
You didn't tell us it was Viz in the post 🤣 I thought you'd really offended a children's comic editor. Why I thought an adult would send that to a children's comic isn't up for debate here 😂
Piss up a rope f#%k stick
Soapy t#t wa#k
So juvenile it's funny
Not with that attitude.
I still laugh at the fact that the towns “Intercourse,” “Middlesex,” and “Blue Ball” are all in my state and pretty much form a line with Middlesex in the middle. 😆
Intercourse, Pa.
Three Way, Tn.
The Grande Tetons.