But what if, and hear me out, he succeeds in being both the richest man in the history of the world and a Nazi. Because it’s looking like the “consequence of his actions” are out to lunch (full vacation paid by Elon)
He literally could have walked away for the paltry price of $1 billion. He marched forward, and has destroyed tens of billions of dollars of value instead
All he had to do… to accomplish what? Unfortunately he’s still rich and still holds his reprehensible beliefs. Hard to punish the ultra rich financially.
I say the same thing about Rudy. He could have fucked off up a mountain in 03 and fished and smoked cigars and he'd never need to buy himself a drink when he walked into a bar for the rest of his days. But people like this get addicted to the smell of their own farts.
Everybody brushed it off as "He is just being supportive of freedom of speech uwu".
Now all the stuff is backfiring...
He should never be allowed to even buy Twitter.
1. Be a Nazi
2. ???
3. Profit.
"I don't have time for that. This guy, HeilMAGA, is making pretty good sense. I must boost him..."
This shit is as tiring as it is predictable.
Btw: when’s he leaving for Mars? The inhospitable red planet will gladly bury him alive.