My one friend just said ,
To which my other friend said,
“yeah, Supposably”
I’ve hidden both their bodies.
To which my other friend said,
“yeah, Supposably”
I’ve hidden both their bodies.
I COULDN'T care less.
I COULD care less.
love that one.
Now I feel like I’m in Oz.
So enraging.
They also use terms like "making groceries" and refer to coke as pop.
Lion became larn, and so on. I can't remember all the words now, but it sure was funny to listen to.
I love that we could all ‘conversate’ on this app. 🙊
*It is still next to the kitchen zinc.
*Why fix it if it ain't broke
Refuse/for Refuge
and / or MTG's????
The worst: "I could have went." When the fuck did that show up in the English language.
Anyways, we went to the store
That's so common in Dublin, Ireland that a professional linguist would probably chide us for being prescriptivist.
Supposedly means “according to what is generally accepted,”
Supposably means “what is conceivable,” and
Supposingly is the Middle English version of supposedly.
(only some will understand it’s meaning)
Covfefe 🤣🤣🤣
"Should of!"
"Where you at?"
I hope you didn’t axe them any questions. Just cut them down and cut them up.
And what about typing "your" instead of "you're"?🫤
"Grieviance policies"... still weird
After everything I've been following and writing about, the lost sleep over the last several weeks, most recently the last five or six days, this made me laugh out loud so loudly my dog leapt off the couch and ran down the hall.
But Moses supposes Erroneously,
Moses he knowses his toeses aren't roses,
As Moses supposes his toeses to be!
Moses supposes his toeses are Roses,
But Moses supposes Erroneously,
A mose is a mose!
A rose is a rose!
A toes a toes!