3) Decide what I'll do for work longer term - can I afford to go solely (but part time!) freelance with no mortgage to pay, maybe go on some longer adventures? What could those adventures be?
4) Volunteer regularly (depending on 3!), probably at a local-ish museum that has a letterpress print shop.
5) Think about ways of spending more time with lovely ND people (rather than NT), maybe even trying to find romantic attachments with someone who thinks in similar ways to me.
6) Think up some more interesting workshops, etc, that will be fun to plan and run.
7) Hope I've got the energy to write more things on play, to turn them from vague thoughts to concrete ideas, research, reflections, perhaps related to ND, perhaps other stuff! In whatever format.
8) Reduce my "to be read" pile, then grow it again. Several times.
9) Hope for a good allotment harvest, particularly for a first small one from the fruit trees I planted!
10) Hope that my daughter gets her first job after graduating later this year, copes with that transition, and settles down nicely. And that she accepts any help I can offer for that to happen!
2) Get some work done on my (new) house as I'll hopefully be able to afford it after (1) happens!
4) Volunteer regularly (depending on 3!), probably at a local-ish museum that has a letterpress print shop.
6) Think up some more interesting workshops, etc, that will be fun to plan and run.
8) Reduce my "to be read" pile, then grow it again. Several times.
10) Hope that my daughter gets her first job after graduating later this year, copes with that transition, and settles down nicely. And that she accepts any help I can offer for that to happen!