#Alert #TrumpDOGE is now threatening a *very powerful* segment of biz in America that touches literally every industry in USA & Europe, global consulting firms, aka Big 4, like #Deloitte
2023 Rev: $65B, Emp: 412K
Rev: $64B, Emp: 733K, 43% of which are #women
@senatedem.bsky.social @housedemocrats.bsky.social
#WeTriedToTellYou, but #politicians refuse to fix it bcuz #corporations are greedy campaign donors.
That's why I call USA's evil system 'Deathcare.'
Thankfully, I qualify for monthly APTC Tax Credits, which greatly reduce my monthly insurance premium payments.
Otherwise, I would be royally & totally screwed.
Which is why we need Medicare For All.
#SinglePayer #MedicareForAll #UniversalHealthcare
We’re paying for useless CEO’s. They just try to merge, bankrupt their competition. That’s why we need bipartisanship universal care. Something on the line the congress has.
You would think once Magats start losing their coverage and have to start paying these prices it might start to move the needle. But who knows. Read story about how families are cheering that their family members are losing their government jobs. The propaganda has rotted their brains.
Greed keeps the US from Universal Healthcare. I worked for a large health network & had access to salaries. Some physicians grossed upwards to 1M/ year and a handful grossed over 1M. Universal Healthcare would drastically reduce salaries. Those well-paid physicians will not allow that.
Perhaps that. But also the large profits insurance companies and their shareholders make from profiting off everyday Americans. Politicians get large campaign donations from Big Pharma and companies like UHC.
You have to fight for decent affordable healthcare. Americans are too lazy to do it. They'd rather go into debt and they don't want to share hospital rooms with minorities. They all want private rooms in hospitals with the worst health outcomes in the world. It's about priorities.
I disagree with you on so many levels. No one wants to go in debt for medical care. I’d share a room with any race. Race isn’t a disease. And Americans. For the most part, aren’t lazy.
So what's your plan to change it? The majority of White Americans are racist. Until you face that fact, nothing changes. A large number of Americans think they deserve better treatment if they have higher incomes. More than 60% of the US population is obese. Lazy thinking and behaviors.
My dental implant and crown cost $5,000. Insane.
I can afford it. Millions cannot.
Do not ever make fun of people who are missing teeth, even if they are Trumpers.
Rick Scott oversaw the largest Medicare fraud in the US history. And he got elected to the Senate. Trump, Scott, Musk et al all grifters, con artistes and criminals. And Americans vote for them. WTF is wrong with you?
More than half of America are IDIOTS. After everything that has happened the past few weeks, ask them who they would vote for in the next election.... those same evil, fugly, rotten to the core sellouts. There's no more "for the people" here. They're there to enrich their own ass. SMH.
👀👆😳‼️ Rightwing extremist party called Deform UK supports a US-style “insurance -health system” for the UK. Currently healthcares is funded primarily through “National Insurance” taxation and the state.
I work out about 6 hours a week and a mo ago I injured my hip to a degree that I couldn’t stand up/sit down/drive etc w/o screaming pain. Finally went to the dr and have a torn labral and got a cort shot-past wk finally am mobile
HOWEVER-now the bills my ins won’t cover are rolling in😩
All the other industrialized democracies have national health systems.
Americanswere cheated out of a national health system by the owner class.
We should be ANGRY.
My hand is not “working” tendon broke and I’m 54 live paycheck to paycheck (yes not great financial planning-surgeries and kids arose and ruined debt free life(. So with non capable hands I’ll surely be first on the rail car to the nether land. I have a bad feeling gas chambers were compassionate
Trump is going to fix that, this year in US, if the country does not go tits up, he will be raising that amount to over 100, and Americans will keep on eating sparkling trump turds and asking for second servings.
No need to worry, that’s going to drop to nearly nothing. As early as April, we’re not gonna have any insurance. Or Jobs. Or property. Or food.
If you’re lucky enough to be WCM you may also be lucky enough to be drafted and could even 🤞🏼to go to Ukraine/Russia. Or Panama. Or Greenland. Or _________?
Imagine building a national healthcare system from scratch and someone proposes the cornerstone should be large for-profit corporations acting as gatekeepers between patients and providers
I borrowed $1100 for a laptop last year. I had a few hairy moments with my health, but as always I was covered by #MedicareAustralia. #UniversalHealthcare works, and it's a system that works well. In fact it works so well that there'd be riots if anyone tried to abolish it.
It is insane. And meanwhile, in the UK, money-grubbing right-wing politicians, with interests in health care companies, would like to move away from the NHS to a similar system to the US. Hoping they never succeed!
This is really sad. Our universal healthcare in Canada is not perfect but nobody needs to borrow money for care. When we go to the ER the most we pay is $12 for parking.
A American system so broken that it bankrupts families, denies life-saving care, and treats death as an acceptable cost of doing business to people.
Making profit from people with medical issues that is not their fault, or of their making is morally bankrupt.
Will it change?
Very unlikely, unless…
Oh taxing the churches alone do you have any idea what these mega churches in the south make. The KKKlan folks give all of their money to the alt white evangelicals churches in the red states and especially the south where they have the largest mega churches. And don’t pay a penny of taxes.
It used to work pretty well before Regan era theives privatized it. Utilities were cheaper & better maintained too. Ditto student loans, prisons, the military, and much more
If you agree, please don't just share on this forum. Tell your reps in DC what you think. It only takes few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people participate. https://www.nationalfinancialplan.com
The jokes on you if and everyone in your district if all of you does not tell the Nazi he is wrong. It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. If even I am wrong and you do it, you only wasted a few minutes and you didn't spend any money.
Some cancers are cured by cannabis. The First Nations used it before the settlers came. Rene Caise got the recipe but over time the cannabis was left out of it (Esiac tea) RSO got rid of this sweet boy’s lymphoma. Government funded research needed so natural cures are doseable and repeatable & free
It does. They can not patent it because it is a complex natural plant. Can you see which dog was unable to walk at 8 months because of lymphoma? Cannabis cures cancer. I used Tweed’s indica he is on a maintenance dose every other day. Do not tell me to deny what I have seen with my own eyes.
That would require actual research to be done into strains repeatability and doses. I know Rick Simpson cured many people with his RSO and for his good heart was raided by the RCMP. They stole his research according to him and shortly after he fled to exile the Canadian govt legalized cannabis.
The rest of the first world has socialized Healthcare and every single country's govt pays less than the USA government per capita. Citizens pay even less, if any.
It is so sad to see such a rich country be so convinced that they can't afford a basic human right.
I’m doing without health care, even though my employers pay for it. Cigna want $5,000 before they’ll pay for anything (preventative too). And they are using the same algorithms as United Health to refuse claims.
The only way anything will ever get any better. Is through revolution. Adapt the methods of the 1917 Russian people's revolution. Class war over country patriotism& nationalism. Refuse to fight in any of US imperialist wars. For the same reasons people refused with ww1.
But the majority of you reject the idea of universal health care? Not just now in this Trump-Fascist fanaticism, but prior, there was scorn heaped up Obamacare & whenever prior schemes proposed. You are idiots unto yourselves.
Not sure where you are getting your info, but meat, butter, and eggs ARE big food. ALL food is big food, unless you are growing it yourself or getting it from a family run farm. Corporations have taken over farms & housing, which is why we are all suffering.
My child is critically ill, and we urgently need your help. 🙏
Please read my story and consider making a small donation. 😞
I apologize for reaching out in this way. 💔
American insurers overcharged customers so significantly that Americans have never paid so much for so little and corporations have never profited so much and they keep raising costs.
Big Pharma
Big Tech
Big Don
All Thieves
Big Pharma 9 of top 20 USA
1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson_%26_Johnson
Profiteering, for big corporate investors and share holders
Big Tech top 8 of 10 USA
Big Don launderer of money & countries for Russia
Top thief, you decide, Pharma, Tech or Don
ELM/Trump com
Utterly disgusting! Why isn't the man in the Oval concerned about every day Americans? I guess he just doesn't give a damn about most Americans, just about his chosen few... really super sad!
America is not a country, It's a business.
Money trumps integrity and peoples lives and livelihoods.
Your oppression is their profession.
(Yes, I know North America is a continent).
2026 vote those motherf*ckers out of office, and NEVER give away your one voice. Pick the best of who ever will run for the office. I was disappointed for those that believed in his lies. He has lied since I was a teenager, and he is still lying.
I’ve had health insurance my whole life. I have children with special needs. Epilepsy and autism. Keeping them alive and healthy is one of the most expensive things in our budget. We hit our out of pocket (10k) seven years in a row. There is no getting ahead.
Not the amazing Health insurance company I work for. That Asshole Luigi Mangione isn’t a hero. We borrowed money bc the top 1% doesn’t pay a single dime in taxes. If they paid just 2% of the billions they made we’d be fine, better than fine actually
One visit to our local urgent care clinic w/o costs $120 just for the visit & $120 for simple labs.....that's not counting the cost for prescription meds. Just 1 visit for the flu can easily cost several hundred.😒
I am a retired 72 yr old senior. I cannot live w/o my social security retirement or my insulin!!! It pays my mortgage & utilities. Sometimes I even have a little leftover for food & meds. However I'm $32,000 in debt with the 75% of it in medical debt! No way in hell can I pay that back! 🤬
Not quite sure. I don't think it passes to family. When lawyers buy medical debt, it's a risk they take on. Just my opinion on it. I plan on asking my daughter when I get the chance as that what she does for the attorney she works for. They sue to collect the debt from the debtor via the courts.
I was once told by a lawyer that (1993-ish) as long as u give each medical bill 5 bucks a month, they can't force bankrupcy...would like to know if this is still true(if it was..) Maybe this would work? Would love a legal answer.😉
I wish I knew the answer to that for today. I also heard that. Today's world is much more complex... and ruthless! Hopefully someone will answer the question. I'll ask my daughter tomorrow as she is a legal assistant & works with an attorney on debt collection mostly medical. ✌🏼💚
Also, I've heard if you call them, you can negotiate the price down. The hospital or practice sets a price, insurance never pays that price, they always negotiate it down.
I've heard the $5 thing for student loans as well. My coworkers have called to negotiate paying minimum amounts.
… 🇺🇸s pay the most (among western countries) for their healthcare, yet their life expectancy is the lowest (among western countries)… Go figure… 🤔🤔🤔
When visiting in the 🇺🇸, ppl have asked me whether they could go to 🇨🇦 to give birth to their children. Including the trip, it’d still b cheaper than in🇺🇸
This would be a major reason why most Canadians wouldn’t consider becoming American. Of course there’s still, politics, guns, school shootings need I say more. Plus WE ARE CANADIAN
We suck. Even before Trump, this country was a complete failure. Giving all power to corporations does not make us stronger or better. It makes us a failure.
This is why we don’t want for-profit healthcare in the UK, which our Trump boot-licker Nigel Farage & every Vote Leave pro-Brexit mouthpiece want to force on us. The common denominator is asset-stripping for profit, hidden beneath empty promises of better performance. No thanks.
That's a classic Republican tactic:
1. Vote to defund [public service]
2. Allow [public service] to struggle for lack of resources
3. Complain [public service] is a failure in argument to eliminate [public service]
Of course now they just violate the constitution by using doge
Your whole country is a giant extortion scheme in which filthy rich pricks suck the life out of everyone else. Try to change it and most of you run around screaming communism, like headless sheep. You're not a civilised nation. Or a smart one. I'm ashamed of you.
I'm having to do a medical fundraiser to get the testing I need right now. 💔🥺 I've been in pain over a year and need to get it checked out, but it's $1700! And that doesn't include anesthesia. Plus, I need to see a dentist. My gums are receding. We need universal healthcare for everyone now!
And we have only the Democrats and the Republicans to think for that. They allowed all of this. This would not be happening to people if our elected officials didn’t make it happen. We need to get rid of every single Democrat and every single Republican in our government.
My wife had to have a semi emergency gall bladder removal last year.
From the ER, to surgery, to being back home we were at the hospital for just over 24 hrs……..$52k
If we had insurance it would have been $76k 🤬🤦♂️
Even worse is that its not even good health care. Infamously cutting corners at every turn despite the fact they have practically the whole fucking treasury of the United States behind them.
Explain to me like I'm 5. Why would Canadians want anything to do with that type of healthcare? Waiting for a bit specialist is better than losing your house.
You wait here too anyway. IF you can even get in it's months or sometimes a year or more. And then you get stuck with a huge bill even if you have insurance.
Waiting for specialist appts has nothing to do with insurance or coverage of some sort. It has everything to do with lack of specialists to cover an increasingly large population needing Healthcare
Americans are getting close to a civil war between the fucking billionaire oligarchs and the real people that make America what it is. Billionaires are exploiting the rest of the population!!
5 years ago I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. I have survived, so far. But: I lost my home. My retirement savings. My car was repo'd. I was left penniless. My family would have been better off if I had just died.
Thanks for the encouragement. It's hard enough to fight the illness. It shouldn't bankrupt a person in the bargain. It's too late to fix it for me. It's just shameful that our society tolerates it. Thanks again
Me too. Same story. But hey, I stood back up again, maybe out of spite? This country is facing an enormous Medicare wave and massive costs with no work force at the rate they are firing. It will be broke…then what’s the plan? Congress?? You who!!!!
We have problems funding our National Health Service in the UK but it is still much better than the US where sick people may also face financial ruin or no treatment
Move to Sweden. Health care is free. Medications are free.
School lunch is free for all in elementary and high school. School books are also free. University education is free of any charge.
Everyone pays 34% income tax.
I'd be willing to pay more taxes if the worry of getting sick and get bankcrupt will be taken off my shoulders. I cannot begin to imagine why the rich wants to get richer. They have enough money to last 100 lifetimes but they want more. WHY????
I made the credit card companies rich because when you're sick you can't work we can't work you don't have money but you need money to live. you don't want to know how much and you don't want to know the APR
Last time the budget was balanced, the corporate tax rate was 39% and 34% on high earners? I see the problem.
Yes, we have been held hostage. Time to turn the tables
You pay more than us in the U.K. for a worse service. We get ‘free at the point of use’, you get financially screwed. Still, the NHS is communist, I imagine.
Was scrolling through my past orders from Walmart & saw I'd bought a 2 pack of 18 Large eggs (36 total) back on Oct 20th. Paid $3.82 for 36 eggs. Current price on them is $17.56 & they've been out of stock for a while now.
Yeah... that's what many people don't remember. Eggs are in a LOT of other foods & ALL of those prices will be going sky high. Betting that bakers are learning about quite a few early 1900s Depression Era cooking/baking that doesn't include eggs & other staples, that we (used to) take for granted.
If one coroner would list a death from metastatic breast cancer caused by medical DELAY and DENY as a HOMICIDE maybe ceo's either change the system or be in jail. So, was Luigi justified? Just look at the attention a drew witty of uhc is getting.
This may sound very socialistic but in NL healthcare for citizens <18 is free, as an adult I pay about $3000 a year in premiums. Government pays a lot through taxes too. Doctors’ fees are regulated as is the price of medication.
My husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor Jan 2019. We had almost zero debt. He died in June 2019. I was almost 50k in debt. Diapers, equipment, medications, travel, etc.. I am STILL in serious debt because those costs had to go on credit cards. The interest is killing me.
Yes, the death panels that republicans were screaming about during the Obamacare debates were already solidly in place…they are called insurance companies.
But for example in Germany every employee and workers pay in the system. Ony those who have a very high income pay in a private health care. The unemployed also get at least a healthcare that covers the normal things including hospital stays
Democrats can’t even get people to show up to vote for lower prescription drug prices, now you want the rich blue states to pay 100% of the medical expenses for the poor red states? 😆
You need to tell the people in the poor red states your healthcare plans that so far: they appear to turn out to vote against government provided healthcare .
Cuz the rich blue states keep voting to protect Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, and the VA. the poor red states vote like they don’t give AF.
The current system is constructed for lobbyists and Congressmen to scratch each other's backs. Universal Healthcare benefits the most people for less. It works, ask Canada.
In Australia we pay a Medicare levy. 1.5% of our income up to $200,000 then it's 2.5%. So our Medicare levy is cheaper than your health insurance and we get full coverage. I've had two strokes and a hernia operation. Cost me zero. When my daughter was four and had Leukaemia all treatment free
Yes, a good portion of America knows this but the greedy bastards have convinced enough of the rubes that private healthcare is SO much better for us. It’s one big evil grifty scam and we’re suffering and paying mightily because of it.
Oh we can have private health insurance as well with a tax claim for the Medicare levy. Private insurance covers dental and provides private hospital coverage with waiting times a small fraction of the public hospital lead time for non critical surgery.
2023 Rev: $65B, Emp: 412K
Rev: $64B, Emp: 733K, 43% of which are #women
@senatedem.bsky.social @housedemocrats.bsky.social
#WeTriedToTellYou, but #politicians refuse to fix it bcuz #corporations are greedy campaign donors.
Thankfully, I qualify for monthly APTC Tax Credits, which greatly reduce my monthly insurance premium payments.
Otherwise, I would be royally & totally screwed.
Which is why we need Medicare For All.
#SinglePayer #MedicareForAll #UniversalHealthcare
they just wanted to live in a society where they can be openly racist
Remember the they’re gonna kill gramma via death panels when they were trying to pass ACA?
I vividly remember one Karen screaming that if you took care of yourself you wouldn’t have pre-existing conditions in the first place😑
I can afford it. Millions cannot.
Do not ever make fun of people who are missing teeth, even if they are Trumpers.
Profit kills.
#Cdnpoli #Uspoli #HealthCare
'An' before the definite article 'Evil Bastard', please.
I work out about 6 hours a week and a mo ago I injured my hip to a degree that I couldn’t stand up/sit down/drive etc w/o screaming pain. Finally went to the dr and have a torn labral and got a cort shot-past wk finally am mobile
HOWEVER-now the bills my ins won’t cover are rolling in😩
Americanswere cheated out of a national health system by the owner class.
We should be ANGRY.
For-profit healthcare has failed America.
1) Return extortion to ALL healthcare for maximum extraction
2) Destroy the current practice of setting standards for treatment
3) Maximize likelihood of everyone forced to work for corporate owners until our last day
If you’re lucky enough to be WCM you may also be lucky enough to be drafted and could even 🤞🏼to go to Ukraine/Russia. Or Panama. Or Greenland. Or _________?
"Someday that will be me."
Making profit from people with medical issues that is not their fault, or of their making is morally bankrupt.
Will it change?
Very unlikely, unless…
It is so sad to see such a rich country be so convinced that they can't afford a basic human right.
The President is moving swiftly and boldly to normalize suffering, death, and shifting as much wealth to wealthy as possible.
And YOU haven’t thank him once!
Let the DOJ check that out. Oh that’s right they’re worried about illegal immigrants who actually produce products and pay tax dollars.
* For some
The only way anything will ever get any better. Is through revolution. Adapt the methods of the 1917 Russian people's revolution. Class war over country patriotism& nationalism. Refuse to fight in any of US imperialist wars. For the same reasons people refused with ww1.
My child is critically ill, and we urgently need your help. 🙏
Please read my story and consider making a small donation. 😞
I apologize for reaching out in this way. 💔
Moneywatch's headline doesn't work for me.
Big Tech
Big Don
All Thieves
Big Pharma 9 of top 20 USA
1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson_%26_Johnson
Profiteering, for big corporate investors and share holders
Big Tech top 8 of 10 USA
Big Don launderer of money & countries for Russia
Top thief, you decide, Pharma, Tech or Don
ELM/Trump com
I miss OUR America!
Blatant Mobsters.
Money trumps integrity and peoples lives and livelihoods.
Your oppression is their profession.
(Yes, I know North America is a continent).
I've heard the $5 thing for student loans as well. My coworkers have called to negotiate paying minimum amounts.
When visiting in the 🇺🇸, ppl have asked me whether they could go to 🇨🇦 to give birth to their children. Including the trip, it’d still b cheaper than in🇺🇸
WHY should I pay tax on this when Twump and Elonia don't??
1. Vote to defund [public service]
2. Allow [public service] to struggle for lack of resources
3. Complain [public service] is a failure in argument to eliminate [public service]
Of course now they just violate the constitution by using doge
From the ER, to surgery, to being back home we were at the hospital for just over 24 hrs……..$52k
If we had insurance it would have been $76k 🤬🤦♂️
They are Insurance scammers practicing Medicine WITHOUT a License!!! They should all be reported and/or sued.
Especially for America's bullshit, $ grubbing doctors. There are doctors with integrity in other countries.
Capitalism has crossed the line from an economic system to hoarding disorder now.
School lunch is free for all in elementary and high school. School books are also free. University education is free of any charge.
Everyone pays 34% income tax.
Yes, we have been held hostage. Time to turn the tables
Is he guilty? Probably. Will he be convicted? $10 says no.
Probably an egg.
I said what I said
Not quite $10/egg but it's getting there. 🙄
That being said my motherfucking cookies are HURTING MAN
SMH, we are in the Dumb, Dumber and DUMBEST time-line
Universal coverage would save the lives of 68,531.
Medical debt is the #1 cause of personal bankruptcy & the only industrialized nation this happens.
$743,938,344 is what lobbyists spent on politicians for this. ☝🏻
So unserious.
You understand that people in blue states are on public assistance too? They've elderly, children in poverty, & disabled people some unable to vote.
In California (pop. 39.4 million), 13.6 million on Medicaid & Massachusetts (pop. 7.13 million) 1.7 million.
Cuz the rich blue states keep voting to protect Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, and the VA. the poor red states vote like they don’t give AF.
So, if trmp and his cronies privatize health care, we have to pay THEM our premiums.
AND we’ll have to borrow from — and repay at undoubtedly excessive interest rates — THEIR banks to pay additional, uninsured costs!
And a great example of how undemocratic our political system really is.
We are still haunted by the design first conceived to protect slavery.
Bass ackward system we have.