if they know tiktok is ur career and understand how bad this admin is for queer and disabled people....yeah id be pissed. if not uhhh they suck but for other reasons.
But yeah like. Parents should check on their kids periodically regardless of what's going on but especially when there are events happening that would obviously affect their mental wellbeing 🙃
I can relate. My mom didn't check in at all after the results of the election came out. She's gone to pride parades with "mom hugs" shirts and has claimed to be an "honorary gay". Like ok cool you can do that but you're not gonna check on your trans kid when orange man gets elected AGAIN? Mkay
Yes, you’re allowed to feel mad or hurt when loved ones don’t check on you. Especially right now. Furthermore, I believe this twice as strongly when it comes to parents. Nobody should have to tell them that. I’m sorry they haven’t, you deserve better.
felt. I wasn't raised by my parents but they're around. and last week was the first time i had ever talked to my dad over the phone. (I'm 26.) and my mom just last year we only talked like a handful of times. and we talked more last year than we ever have.
absolutely you do. your parents have the primary responsibility to maintain the relationship. i have not heard from my dad in almost 6 months, so i understand. i’m so sorry they’re doing this.
I decided to see how my mom was doing so I consulted with the ouija board. She's doing good it seems.
The cat kept moving the board so the message was a tad bit hard to read. 🙈
I don't know any of you, but my 13 yr old grandchild (she's still using she/her, but feels NB) came and cried with me.
I'm offering mom/Gramma services because these stories hurt my heart for y'all.
I'm still "the bad kid" at 55 for not being MAGA, so I'm here.
If you DM, tell me in post so I know.
Yes, because my mother called me to check on me. This is the first time in my life she has ever done that, I’m 34. It was fucking weird. I’m so sorry Emily 🫂
at some point it becomes infuriating.
The cat kept moving the board so the message was a tad bit hard to read. 🙈
You are 110% entitled to feel how you feel. Parents suck
I'm offering mom/Gramma services because these stories hurt my heart for y'all.
I'm still "the bad kid" at 55 for not being MAGA, so I'm here.
If you DM, tell me in post so I know.