Just out of curiosity, what do you do exactly that you would consider it cheating??? As my partner and I say, if the game lets you do it, you're not cheating 🤣
Well, in that case, you're definitely NOT cheating 🤣 ConcernedApe pretty much gave the thumbs up to modding, and when the sole creator gives the go ahead, no one can claim cheating.
I want to learn how to use Mods but have the dumb on it 🤣
As a basic player who absolutely cheats through Stardew Valley, I don’t mind watching other players who do. You gotta play how you like, and the right people won’t mind!
The main thing I have noticed watching streamers is that you need to be good at chatting with/to your audience. Don't seem to be so much how or what you play, but how good *you* are at entertaining your audience.
It's way more important that the streamer is having fun than playing by the rules. No one wants to watch miserable people (they don't already know), but a stranger just having a genuinely good time?
If it helps, I started streaming it Vanilla and when I have people in chat they’re often telling me what mods I should download XD
But for real, as long as you’re having fun people won’t mind, I don’t think it’s taken all too seriously ^^
Consider making that the focus of your videos! That way, you’re not only leaning into your style, you’re bringing something new to the table. Good luck! ❤️
I'm the same way with MC. When I first started streaming, it was my very first game. And even before we showed off the game. I let them know I cheat a lot if I'm not doing something. Plus Modded Survival Games are prone to Bugs. So cheats help.
I want to learn how to use Mods but have the dumb on it 🤣
so play how you want
So yeah, just enjoy yourself ^^
But for real, as long as you’re having fun people won’t mind, I don’t think it’s taken all too seriously ^^