Permaculture is indigenous knowledge that's been repackaged by (mostly) white men.
This doesn't get talked about enough in the #permaculture world. I've got a video about this + full article coming soon (and no the irony isn't lost on me).
This doesn't get talked about enough in the #permaculture world. I've got a video about this + full article coming soon (and no the irony isn't lost on me).
And there are many natural building or land techniques that have resonance with indigenous (land-based, generational) people, but could only have arisen with a waste stream or fossil fuels...
Yes, we need more attribution and respect to indigenous cultures in PC, but ...
The word "is" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there, and repackaged is pretty disparaging.
For me, #permaculture is a first system of ethics which then guides decisions on design & which tools/knowledge are used.