I commented on this elsewhere -today in fact. But here’s my little puma not catching on that there’s a chameleon above her head. They can’t be distant cousins
We have senses all over our bodies, maybe even metaphysical, besides our sight.
Once I ran down a mountain in 40 minutes the same distance that took me 6 hours to climb up, because I was kinda high and didn't want to miss the last bus out of the city.
My cat did here same thing last week. He was on the bed and he caught the movement of a bird outside. The curtain was drawn and all there was, was a shadow of the bird. I said, "No, no, no." But he jumped anyway and tore the curtains to shreds.
😃 It's not always true. My Tige has been outside several times today and he lay at my feet while I'm on the computer. Now he's curled up in his Morris Chair not far from me and I just told him to stay there and not move. He seems to be doing that OK. 😊
Wow. Our domestic Zorro goes up high in favorite tree for hours, just watching birds & relaxing on same branch. Takes same path down thick dense branches when ready.
Domestic cats not far from their wild relatives
I’ve heard that the law states that a cat’s ‘owner’ can’t be held accountable if it causes damage to another person’s property bc cats can’t be fully domesticated like a dog can be
My cat did exactly that this morning but he didn't leaps from tree to tree. My cat leapt to the top of hutch to investigate the ceiling. It's totally the same thing! 😎
Pumas (along with cheetahs, caracals, and a few other large cat species) are members of the subfamily felinae, as are domestic cats. Lions, tigers, leopards, etc. are members of pantherinae. Members of felinae can all purr but not roar, whereas the opposite is true for pantherinae.
The puma moves with effortless grace, leaping from branch to branch with silent precision. Muscles poised, it rests in the tree, eyes half-closed, blending into the shadows. But the moment something stirs, its gaze sharpens, body tensing—pure power ready to explode into action in the blink of an eye
It's amazing to me how much cats are cats. The way they move and their quick focus and curiosity remain the same over something like a 100x range of body size.
We have senses all over our bodies, maybe even metaphysical, besides our sight.
Once I ran down a mountain in 40 minutes the same distance that took me 6 hours to climb up, because I was kinda high and didn't want to miss the last bus out of the city.
Yesss, nature is incredible!
Gotta save our forests, our planet!
Doesn't have to look where his feet go to climb.. And then leap! Wow!
Domestic cats not far from their wild relatives
I'll see myself out.
Are cougars and panthers the same animal??
I don't believe so..