I was definitely burnt out yesterday felt like a migraine was coming on I knew what to draw ✍️ I just didn’t want to anymore cause I knew it wasn’t gonna come out good. I’m drawing now
Take a break from any kind of illustration/realism for at least a month. Focus on just absorbing art that you may have been curious about but never got into (start listening to a new genre of music or get into a specific kind of poetry/prose) when you come back to your art, start with abstract.
I'm working on re-analysing what I enjoy about art both mine & others, & then making more plans, letting myself have as many test peices as I need
noone said you just need one sketch and then Need to do the finished piece not sure why I thought that
The idea of “peaking” is silly. Technically yes, there’ll be one work that has the most fans/earnings/whatever; that’s how numbers work. So what? You just stop? “Sorry new exciting idea you won’t do as well as this thing so I won’t bother.” Would you have made it this far if you loved art so little?
My advice is to say fuck perfection, take some time and make art for YOU and for fun only with no expectations. Rediscover the joy of just playing around with a medium that has cool textures. Make something weird you wouldn't normally make. Find what made art fun to start with and do that again :3
When I believe I peak- I keep making but get bored&listless. then a few months/years l8r awake and realize within the peakdom that I’ve actually faltered & suck once more. I give up on perfectionism, seek curiosity and enjoyment, fall in love with making art for myself, become boss. rinse & repeat.
But ur right. Advice is easy when given to ppl for skill & craft. Teaching meaning & purpose for those already who’ve honed their techniques is a bit trickier and nuanced
My brother got rid of all of his entertainment gadgets. I believe he only kept his bluetooth speaker. He said it was temporary so he could focus on his creative projects.
I can't say that I have that kind of discipline, but it worked for him because he got signed by a label.
"Sometimes, it is good to be alone, but sometimes it is good to be with friends. I have found that there is nothing like a good friend to help you through a difficult time."-Van Gough. Not that he's the most upbeat choice but friends are an absolute gold mine when you've been in your head too long.
"In a cloudless atmosphere after the fog is lifted, he'll grow and perservere 'cause that's the curse of the gifted"
- The Road, from Starry The Musical
noone said you just need one sketch and then Need to do the finished piece not sure why I thought that
And finally not zooming in as much!
1. Take a hiatus for several years
2. then make a few things
3. Repeat steps 1. and 2.
Remember to draw silly things, too.
Make art for another person when you feel stuck or unsatisfied(no pressure AND sometimes changes someone's life for the better.)
Try new techniques, you may adapt them into your current style.
The rut is real tbqh.
them classes :\
I can't say that I have that kind of discipline, but it worked for him because he got signed by a label.
- The Road, from Starry The Musical
That's my favorite one, anyway