Getting the word out about your music is so freaking hard these days.
It's funny that and I didn't even manage to get ONE SINGLE follower on our TikTok after a month of regular posting. It's similarly low on YouTube, Instagram etc
What are we doing wrong
It's funny that and I didn't even manage to get ONE SINGLE follower on our TikTok after a month of regular posting. It's similarly low on YouTube, Instagram etc
What are we doing wrong
But Trois and I have a band and we've been working on non game music for 12+ months. There's this fear that no one really cares
I learned a few things about TikTok, one being you really have to have to talk to the camera. Just posting music or one video clip doesn't get a ton of traction.
I'm not at much, but once I started doing personal intros to my videos, engagement went "way" up.
But yea, I feel ya
There's tons of people out there, but for folks I've met through the local vgm scene I pay more attn to them.
I'm not financially successful tbf, but those are the people I'm emotionally invested in
I agree that's frustrating though, and as far as reaching a "mass" audience I just assume it's taking the time to meet people in that way until it grows, or hitting the algorithm lottery lol
But those are the types of spaces that connect you with people on a more intimate level that you can actually form those types of relationships and will get people pumped about your stuff imo
It takes a good dose of trial and error to grow an audience and…
I’m very proud of you guys, putting yourself out there on the “young people” platform.
Try reading online and researching, you can do this! ☺️
But let's be real, whether you get heard or not is only 1% about hard work, 99% of it is just dumb luck if you lack connections
And I don't know if I can safely express my struggles in music thus far
But I've lost hope of getting solo gigs because of the painful songs I write
And I write what I know, that's what I express best
(But I’m also the king of not getting anyone to care so don’t listen to me)