Muck up day in the early 2000’s. Kids climbed on the school roof one night and put some fish in the air conditioning vents - classrooms still stunk that next year. I also went to school next to a lake and another year, the kids picked up the (mini) car of a grumpy teacher and pushed it in the lake!
60yo teacher ran off with another teacher’s daughter who was in Yr 12.
Priest went to jail for you can imagine what.
English teacher’s husband the IT guy cheated with another teacher.
Drama teacher met an o/s boyfriend and stopped coming in but no one in authority noticed or replaced her.
Oh, also they kept failing a kid with learning disabilities rather than offer any help, so he was 12 in class with 9 year olds. Size difference was rough because he was violent. He brought bullets to school and tackled a teacher who had a mental breakdown in front of us and never returned.
Thankfully I changed schools and the biggest incident at the new place was students being sad when we found out the drama teacher got married because we thought she and the English teacher were dating but they weren’t. Wholesome.
Year 12 muck up day prank when someone fell from the bell tower, where they were attempting to put a blow up sex doll ...I think the (Catholic) school was more upset about the sex doll than the badly hurt year 12 kid!
Not my school but a group of girls were expelled for making a video setting up an organisation offering oral sex for 50c under the dubious logic that better access to low cost oral sex would lower sexual assault in the world.
The first school shooting in Australia in 1991, made global headlines. 2 teachers and 1 student shot. Nobody died at the time, but the student died from a tragic accident several years later.
My younger bro was chasing the class guinea pigs around the oval but stepped on one of their necks... He pretty much had to move schools after that one.
A student from my year turned up at our year 12 formal with 2 escorts as his date. I don't remember details, but I recall a rumour they left around the same time as one of the sports teachers.
Someone grew a marijuana plant in the D Block garden. It caused private mirth for weeks, until the day we arrived to find the garden bed completely poisoned. It was a barren wasteland for the rest of the year. No remonstrations from the deputy head - just silence and action. Respect.
bomb threat when i was in primary school in the 80s. evacuated to the oval which just made a kid say "what if the bombs under the cricket pitch?". walking back to class couple of hours later ask a cop who was with us "what if it's still here?" and he replied "well we're fucked then" and laughed
Yr 12 muck up day a few students tried to cut through an electricity cable. Luckily they were unsuccessful and no one was hurt but my graduating year were severely restricted for muck up day.
I finished high school in year 11. But our graduating class was forbidden to have a muck up day because of the previous year 12 class who had a revolution, locked the teachers in the staff room and one of them was running around with a full sized replica uzi.
That time some Yr 12s the night before their last day stole a 7 foot tall fibreglass statue of Ronald McDonald from Chadstone Maccas and somehow winched it up onto the roof of the tallest building on campus.
The time my classmates decided to ride down the hill in the middle of the school on a bench-cum-toboggan and nearly made it. Or smashed up sports day. Or the time, early on, that the graduating Year 12s all turned up blind drunk and then some. Or the carcinogenic chemical spill in Chemistry class.
Or how the replacement Maths teacher was all but summarily booted out one afternoon for reasons I still don't know (some sort of misconduct, I presume), and the old one had to come back from leave.
The vice principal at my first primary school got done for embezzlement decades later. Also the vice principal at my second primary school was a sex offender. Didn’t find this out until recently.
We had one where the year 10s were given a science class in fermentation where they were taught that fruit could be turned into alcohol. Oranges had to be banned from the school a month later when a makeshift brewery was discovered under the gym.
The phantom crapper who terrorised the boys toilets. It was that much of a problem that the girls were sent away from assembly early a couple of times to protect our ears. Of course the boys told us what was going on.
The boarders at my all girls school in Launceston were caught helping boys from an all boys boarding school into the windows at night. It made the front page of that illustrious newspaper The Truth. The nuns threatened severe punishment for anyone caught with a copy of the paper. We all bought it.
That we had mattresses down the creek behind the school and spent all lunch time rooting. Made the front page of the Telegraph ( that alone should have been a warning)
Year 12 leavers took over the school. One of the year 12's was running around with a replica uzi. They locked all the teachers in the staff room... except for the vice principal.
Footie coach gave the footie-boys his intranet password, as such the footie-boys (and eventually most of the grade) had every exam for year 11 and 12 ahead of exam day. The federal police investigated the school in an attempt to retrieve the IP addresses, but to little avail.
Cops showed up at school one day to arrest a girl for smoking and selling weed. She hid in the girls toilets because she assumed all the cops were men, and was promptly arrested by a female officer.
Some students somehow got hold of some railway detonators (during their morning paper run) and bought them to school. Where of course various means were tried to see if they could be set off. Then the local police became involved…
that time when several tonnes of sand was dumped in the bus pickup/drop off area so the yr 12s could have an end of year beach party. No effort was made to remove the sand afterwards. It took nearly 3 years to wash away naturally.
Ours was just way overreaction. My brother's year had the formal after-party at a bikie run venue, and it was during the anti-bikie VLAD laws stuff so it hit the newspapers, and the school threatened to withhold graduation from everyone who went because they ruined school reputation, but then didn't
Paul Keating rocked up at my school, you know the one with all the screaming girls. Also a few teen stealing their parents Serepax, and the usual Catholic sagas of the 80s 😆
one of the TAs who was like 50 was caught dating a student. a PE teacher was caught selling drugs. somebody got beaten bloody on a public bus. the works
Muckup week, the year 12s listed the principal's car in the trading post for a ripping good price. He was getting phone calls wanting to buy it for months.
Tired of playing cops & robbers/cowboys & indians, we started our own, convicts & soldiers, that ended up with us hanging a kid by the neck off the monkey bars.
String & rope banned forever more.
Never got credit for our patriotic inventiveness.
Our small costal high school had huge problem with weed. Loads of kids busted.
Our principal, deflected by saying the juniors, ‘It’s not the school problem, but the whole communities’.
A laugh, then cheer erupted.
Nothing changed.
When we found out one of the science teachers was seeing one of the English teachers because they were seen canoodling by a student. Shocking, I know 😆
A page out of someone’s diary was found in the boys toilets saying “this place will blow on Friday”. This was five months after 9/11 so they took it super seriously and every single student in the high school had to stand in a line with their diary open to that page to see if it was there.
Had to evacuate cause some kids lit several bins full of Aerosol cans on fire and it blew up one entire toilet block and caused several other small fires around the school :3
The school hall was opposite the local drive-in, with a great view of the screen. We came out of a disco one night and they were showing “Case of the Smiling Stiffs”
3 if I may. Threatened with expulsion because I stood up to the Principal ( Nun) over locking toilets at the end of break. No one backed me up however it stopped. Short protest by high schoolers on the expulsion of a pregnant student. Science teacher ( male) taking out students ? 15- 16 year olds.
Her cross-country training partner was murdered by their coach and stuffed in the boot of his car. They'd been in a "relationship", and he killed her when she tried to break it off.
A teacher stuck a fork in a power point (the reason is lost in the mists of time), electrocuted herself, and lay prone on the floor while the whole class sat glued to their seats, until another teacher happened to come into the room and found her.
Our science teacher dropped potassium in a large beaker of water. The chunk of reactive metal exited through the side of the beaker, and through the (closed) glass window, into a running water sprinkler system. Several impressive explosions later, the Principal RAN out to find out what was going on.
During an excursion, the actions of people in the year above mine got our school banned from a Maccas restaurant.
This Maccas was the rest stop of choice for each year’s annual interstate trip so their actions were the gift that kept giving.
Back when copying jackass stunts was all the rage, a group of seniors shot a video compilation of themselves doing petty crimes like graffiti, vandalism and gang-raping a disabled girl. The DVDs were distributed around town and eventually made national news.
Priest went to jail for you can imagine what.
English teacher’s husband the IT guy cheated with another teacher.
Drama teacher met an o/s boyfriend and stopped coming in but no one in authority noticed or replaced her.
Kid I was kinda friends with punched out our maths teacher once.
Kid in my class killed some guy. I ended up working on his case for an afternoon in law school while working at our uni's community legal centre.
I uh.. admire the compassion, I suppose?
...until it was discovered after the fact and the people involved suspended and stripped of faction leadership
21 years later he turned up as a parent at my kids primary school with an age appropriate wife ... 😕
I sometimes wonder what horrors led to that.
What we actually got from this: Crimes
We didn’t.
String & rope banned forever more.
Never got credit for our patriotic inventiveness.
Our small costal high school had huge problem with weed. Loads of kids busted.
Our principal, deflected by saying the juniors, ‘It’s not the school problem, but the whole communities’.
A laugh, then cheer erupted.
Nothing changed.
For added fun, someone was in the process of etching “[Deputy Principal’s name] is the phantom shit-smearer” when said Deputy Principal walked in.
He was quite a good sport about it.
Her cross-country training partner was murdered by their coach and stuffed in the boot of his car. They'd been in a "relationship", and he killed her when she tried to break it off.
This Maccas was the rest stop of choice for each year’s annual interstate trip so their actions were the gift that kept giving.