I also hate it when a website appears to have loaded and you go to touch a link, only to have something pop into existence and shove what you wanted down the screen, with your finger now sending you off to a totally different page and requiring you to go back and forget, doing it all over again.
They are, you can make your site relative to fonts sizes (em, rem) that depends on the user base font size. So buttons, banners, images and every other element of the page depends on base font size.
But a lot of pages are still using pixels for units, so they break when font changes.
1. Name and shame!
2. What's your res and how big do you have it?
3. https://bbc.com works fine for me at sizes which break https://dailymail.co.uk. Is it a quality filter?
Likely a backend issue, or how the site is displaying their text. It could be down to the HTML editor or site design on a general scale rather than a specific design decision or something intentional. I'd go bug over malice on this.
Its typically the site making the assumption that A) a particular font is in use, and B) that font starts at 16pt. They then use em to scale the font and px to size elements. The result is normally overflowing elements which can cause flow issues on other elements. It hard to see a backend issue.
Further - whilst direct malice is obviously not being suggested it does have a good chance of being tied to organisations that dont care. Specifically dont care about disability testing and do care about hiring the lowest and fastest bidder.
It had issues back then I cant remember if its fixed but I use zoom at %120 or something and I remember me getting stuck at nitro cancelling cuz there were not scroll bar so some stuff did get cut. Also profiles were had this problem where some roles get cut because of this
It also makes me wonder what actually breaks. Does the website just not look right (ie, formatting/structure goes nuts) or do buttons stop working?
It might be fixable with a user script?
But a lot of pages are still using pixels for units, so they break when font changes.
Like, you fundamentally must give them way too much information about you without even knowing just for the site to work
2. What's your res and how big do you have it?
3. https://bbc.com works fine for me at sizes which break https://dailymail.co.uk. Is it a quality filter?