1. A new Texas bill outright criminalizes being transgender as felony fraud. It is one of the most alarming bills that I have ever seen.
Though it stands little chance of passage, its rationale is already being used in other places and by the trump admin.
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Though it stands little chance of passage, its rationale is already being used in other places and by the trump admin.
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No further notes.
such lying, scheming sacks of shit they are.
This is very scary
Eventually this SCOTUS will be forced to weigh in.
And the people do not have faith in the high court.
I have a bad feeling that this won't be the last time we see or hear something like this proposed by a state or even the federal government. 😕
Wow, the things you could do with a precedent like that...
Be trans do crime is about to become an inevitability.
I know nothing has meaning anymore, but doesn't fraud have to mean there is some element of getting some sort of gain from it? Like, fraud isn't just "lying" right?
It’s just writing it would be too awful. But I’ve always thought this seemed the most likely way to filter us into prison considering the goal is annihilation.
They will use women like me for fuel.