The heritage foundation, whose members wrote project 2025,is a non-profit public policy research institute.
They have a 50 billion dollar stash, it grows by donations and interest. They are a non-profit and pay no taxes.
That's a lot of money to be used at the whim of the Trump administration.
I can’t believe there is not more details coming out of the names of the people who are part of the foundation. They have a board and staff of employees. We need to make them all famous and defend themselves.
They were told. No excuses. You broke it, Republicans? You bought it, Republicans. We tried and tried and tried to tell them, and they Would. Not. Listen. Unfortunately, we're in the same boat, and it's got a giant leak. So we need to work together, or we ALL sink.
They started with not letting women vote (look up SAVE ACT) then our drivers licenses, paychecks & our credit being under our husband’s control. Project 25 specifically names these “transfers of power”. Everyone thinks it’s a joke. Last laugh will be on American women. It’s coming.
It will become MUCH worse. Save your moneys. Sell all stocks. Get cash. Purchase from local shops. Cancel all subscriptions from companies owned by billionaires or trump supporters. The stockmarket crash will be extremely ugly.
Make calls every day #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
Today, I cut off a friend since 6th grade. I can’t support her beliefs and her support of this administration. I told her that I thought that she would have changed her mind by now, but I was wrong. We no longer share the same values, or morals, for that matter. Will they really regret their vote?
As someone who was accused of sharing misinformation and fearmongering when reminding people about P2025, it's definitely sad to see it play out in real time. I would have LOVED to be wrong 💔💔
After the November election I wanted to place a very large sign
My friends warned me not to. I still want to put up that sign,
They have a 50 billion dollar stash, it grows by donations and interest. They are a non-profit and pay no taxes.
That's a lot of money to be used at the whim of the Trump administration.
Ok just kidding. Thank you very much. Really.
" I really don't like Donald Trump, I hate him, I just can't vote for him, but...
If you recall an acquaintance or friend saying that so you would still be their friend, don't be their friend
We are tired of telling people this is not a surprise, that is for sure.
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
replace this with this
Said Trump supporters
My friends warned me not to. I still want to put up that sign,
Scariest part: they’re barely scratching surface of the plan.
Now, here's me whenever I hear any of them complain about things like their parent's medicare, prescription prices, etc:
You voted for this!🖕
Musk will destroy the federal government. Then privatize its functions.
Welcome to 1984