I think this whole brainrot hyperstimulus micro-video thing is beginning to click for me. Possibly the mild hypoxia I've suffered from the past 2 weeks of being unable to breath without coughing fits.
Having fun debasing oneself feels like an apt 2025 vibe.
Having fun debasing oneself feels like an apt 2025 vibe.
Suggest getting Anton Bot to generate everything; voice, video, script etc. Maximum content pipeline. 🐖⚙️🏭
fwiw, a young apprentice of mine (younger than my reddit account by a year or so) just messaged me in excitement about h3vr :)
(apologies... /r and /u unreversed)
- perfect loop
- stimulating game footage
!! single-word captions edited in
almost there anton, it's time to join the shorts side