The Petroleum Resource Rent Tax's purpose is to ensure Australians get a fair return for our gas resources.
Despite the Government's tweaks, recent estimates for PRRT collected are DOWN.
It's time gas companies paid their fair share.
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Despite the Government's tweaks, recent estimates for PRRT collected are DOWN.
It's time gas companies paid their fair share.
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People stop enabling the ALP/LNP with your vote!
All that angst, all those farmer's water bores wrecked & towns destroyed ... and Australia got little for it.
We dissect ‘Tax Reform & Natural Resources’ inc. #PRRT
feat. Daniel Bleakley
Summer reading for policy wonks😊 #ABetterAus #auspol
If we stopped them paying political parties there is a chance they might pay the tax they should.
If they don't pay the tax they should, then the politicians should pay - big time. Prison time.