It’s so funny and noticeable how only left leaning spaces get called “echo chambers.” Only left wing people get told we need to learn to see other people’s perspectives and understand their motivations. Do conservatives want to be understood, or do they want to dominate conversations?
I'm blocked by this lot on the other place for pointing out facts
Daniel Hannan
Calvin Robinson
June Mummery
Lee Hurst
George Galloway
Mark Jenkinson
Miss Paula London
Karol Sikora
Turning Point UK
One Britain One Nation
I live in rural Indiana. Have for almost my entire life.
i'm happy to hear and debate all kinds of different views but i've got my well-defined red lines
and they're drawn where they are not because i don't know what's beyond them but exactly because i do
Turns out only one side wants an echo chamber.
I live in Utah and I’ve worked in manufacturing. I’m extremely aware of how “real conservatives” behave day to day.
This is where I go in my free time and I’d like to have a good time.
It’s nice to have a place where I can instead say “fuck off with that racist/sexist/queerphobic bullshit”.
I’m all too aware of how little it would take to cross their care threshold.
Meanwhile I dared bring up a different point of view about respecting…*checks notes*…other humans, but no, you’re the one “walking on eggshells” because we leftists get “offended too easily.”
Why are you so rude? Has become my response.
some leftists hanging out trading cat photos and casserole recipes on the English-speaking backwater of Brazilian Twitter where there aren't special rules exempting Nazis from moderation: INFORMATION CRISIS