Somebody said JK Rowling is literally beefing with people she knew when they were 9 years old because they think people are entitled to to rights and dignity and for me that really made it clear for me that she does not live a single day of unfettered joy and you know what, good.
These are protagonists for sociopaths.
In her mind Death Eaters represent trans people and are resentful for having been forced to live in secrecy.
It's a lie, of course, but maybe if I say it...
Then it sold like hot cakes, got a TV deal, and she wrote 6 more, all of them bestsellers. Because she just wants to be anonymous and do it for the art, you see.
Once had immense respect. She gave millions to research on MS.
( Her mom died young cause MS).
WTH has gone so wrong that fellow humans get so much grief from this once decent person?