The old vice president of the residents association where I live once blew up in a drink tirade on my doorstep declaring he can't be racist because the Nanny his parents pawned him off on was black.
It's just common sense to see black people as servants it's how he grew up so it's not his fault he sees them that way it's just common sense for him to be racist 🤍
I saw a lot of links here to this story but I wanted to extend to you the free service of finding one where I could crop out old boy’s fishbowl head for you. One of my biggest pet peeves right now is how often we have to *see* these people so I’m being the change I want to see.
An underrated dynamic is that Musk’s dad is such an absolute and unrepentant piece of shit that he can’t help but undermine his son’s attempts to become popular
like every confederate who brought along a slave or two when they went to war and were shocked when they ran away, they cannot comprehend that the people they abuse may be feigning cordiality or even friendship for the sake of survival.
Thar was in 2009
Please clap.
the only light at the end of the tunnel for me is that these people will, one day, be fully understood by the world