Clones of MTG. Too many orange colored people. & the only thing in their hands would be beer. No hotdogs or phallic shaped foods. & the flags would be white.
Literally no one is stopping them- but these people don’t know how anything works, so they think it’s somehow literally being organized h the government and gay people just show up- they have no idea that people actually just organize it themselves and it’s a lot of fucking work.
I think they want us to throw it for them. They think they’re forced to participate in pride so I’m sure what they want is us to be like yay! Straight people you’re so Average Person! Huzzah!
Every float has at least one couple where you can tell the dude would rather be at home while she's trying to put on a good show of how happy and great a couple they are
and lots of bratwurst off the grill but only one guy is making them and he keeps saying “oh you’re gonna like this,” and it’s like yeah man, they’re brats and they’re pre cooked just give me one please
I doubt the e will make me straight 💕
there could be a ufc parade float with 2 ripped, sweaty guys getting their hands on each other for straight pride
“why isn’t there straight pride?” is less of a gripe and more of a question, like an angry “why isn’t dinner ready?”
not much going on, any then a MASSIVE fish tank/hunting display lol