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Working in the field of anti discrimination, diversity and inclusion in Germany.
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Wenn der Faschismus wiederkehrt, werden Medien ihn pflichtbewusst als "umstritten" bezeichnen.

Queer spaces (or black communities) are proof of how adaptable humans can be. Queer people literally have to find a place to belong or build one themselves, create a community and exist within a niche, this is literally called resilience and if you’re part of such a space: I am proud of you! #lgbtq

Hungary bans Pride events and plans to use facial recognition to target attenders

I am mentally preparing for the time where global fascism will label queer people as terrorists, finding a new legal way on how to get rid of us again. If the Trump administration can label Tesla protests as acts terrorism other countries can copy that. Look at pride in Budapest. #lgbtq #queer

Ich kann immer noch nicht so ganz glauben, dass AnNa R. tot ist. Ihre Musik hat mich durch einige tiefe Täler getragen und buchstäblich gerettet. Ich bin auf ewig dankbar, die Musik entdeckt zu haben. Heute verliert die Welt einen wertvollen Menschen! #Rosenstolz #AnNaR

US deports 250 alleged gang members to El Salvador despite court ruling to halt flights

Trump just used Nazi hate symbols to target LGBTQ+ people. A banned pink triangle in a military ad? This is open fascism. He’s not hiding it—he’s embracing it.

More of this!

The fact that there are countless news reports on the Tesla advertisement at the White House but not as much about the pink triangle tweet of Trump, which basically is a reference to the pink triangle from the Holocaust might be an indicator of who‘s lives are next on the chopping block. #USpolitics

Tja nun. Man hätte es zwar schon eher wissen können, aber ok.

Last month, I said Americans are now involuntary employees of Elon Musk: Our labor will be converted into federal subsidies for his businesses. Now Chicagoans’ tax dollars (including mine 🙋🏼‍♀️) are being used to protect Musk’s capital instead of the people of the city.

Recently went on a date and the guy said that people don’t have to be homeless in western countries. It goes to show that you can easily assess a persons lack of empathy by how they think and speak of the homeless. 🚩

Aerial Silk time 🫶🏻 #aerialsilk #aerialhammock

Sometimes I love editing photos. Here‘s another shot of me doing #contortion #backbends #flexibility

Paul Tazewell is the first Black man to win the Oscar for costume design for his work on "Wicked." Here is the complete list of winners so far.

Ich kann/darf gerade nicht in Worte fassen, was ich von Spahn halte. Spürt der sich eigentlich noch? Grundgütiger!

Vier Mäuse haben ein Queeres Quiz gemacht! 🫶🏻

this comment just made all of conservatives’ weird and conflicting attitudes towards sex make sense to me

Kurze Frage, nach dem bisherigen Ergebnis der Wahl: Wir sind uns jetzt einig, dass man die AfD nicht inhaltlich stellen kann, oder? Oder?! Bisherige Versuche des inhaltlichen Stellens haben sie zu dem jetzigen Ergebnis gebracht. #NoAfD

Doing some #backbends / #stretching #CircusArts have always been inclusive and felt like a safe space for me as a #gay man.

I swear if another person uses the words „I don’t believe [any proven fact]“ I am going to lose my mind. Facts aren’t based in faith, they are based in knowledge, education and evidence.

Elpha-Bro and Gaylinda 🫶🏻

Still reposting some older pictures of #lyra #aerialhoop

Wie rechts abgedriftet die CDU-Spitze inzwischen ist, sieht man auch daran, dass sie inzwischen eher die Kirchen (!!) wegen ihrer Kritik in die linksgrüne Ecke stellen wollen, anstatt ihren Irrweg einzusehen. Wofür das "C" mal ursprünglich stand...?

In der gesamten AfD gibt es anscheinend gerade mal 22 jüdische Mitglieder. Bei Miosga durfte Rechtsextremistin Weidel unwidersprochen lügen, es seien "fast 1000". Die Lüge haben Millionen gehört, die Fakten zwei Tage später kaum jemand. Darum lädt man Rechtsextreme nicht in Talkshows ein.

What could possibly go wrong…? 👁️👄👁️

Brisbane, Australia.

Is there a reason for as to why I start crying whenever I see pictures of me as a child? #psychology

“DEI is not a threat. It’s a gift.” — Alicia Keys accepting the Global Impact Award at the #GRAMMYs .

Trans 👏 people 👏 are 👏 not 👏 invisible 👏 Lady Gaga saying what needs to be said as always #Grammys

“Record labels need to treat their artists as valuable employees with a livable wage and health insurance and protection. Labels, we got you — but do you got us?” — Chappell Roan demanding labels to do better during her #GRAMMYs acceptance speech.

Immer mehr Menschen haben so viel Meinung, Instinkt und Vorurteile, dass sie gar keine Kapazität mehr haben für Wissen, Fakten und Objektivität.

cannot be said enough that for a decade a critical number of americans have simply refused to accept that he means what he says

This was so much fun! Not gonna lie - there is not much to laugh about at this time and age, but Bob really lightened my mood! Thank you for taking me there

This is my favorite picture of Stonewall. They knew they were getting arrested just for being LGBTQ+. Yet... they're still here, standing outside of the boarded up Stonewall Inn, smiling as the world was at a fever pitch of hatred against them. I think about it a lot in moments like this.

All in the mind? The surprising truth about brain rot

stopping the flow of HIV drugs to poor countries and demanding that foreign doctors stop distributing the meds already sitting in their clinics is so evil it is hard to wrap my head around. one day when when this is all history i will struggle to forgive anyone who voted for him

Potus and flotus are such ridiculous abbreviations. When I first heard them I thought they were parts of the anus.

Gulf of America…

Call someone you haven't talked to in awhile today! Community is the best tool against facism. Okay bye ily drink water

Trump zeigt mal wieder, wie euch die Faschisten mit dem falschen Versprechen der "Sicherheit" belügen. Sie verhaften und deportieren Familien, die nichts getan haben, außer eine Grenze zu überqueren, und begnadigen teils gewalttätige und verurteilte Rechtsterroristen. Es ging nie um Kriminalität.

Meta’s content moderation changes ‘hugely concerning’, says Molly Rose Foundation

We live in Joellas world now. #dragrace #joella #localicon

Today I made a new friend! Hi bestie #alpaca