I’m so glad you pointed him out. I went to his page to thank him and discovered he’s also a staunch supporter of Ukraine. What a gem of a leader right now.
Speaking as a fellow Texan, all I can say is...we were in a race to the bottom with Florida, and we won. Texas is the absolute worst place in America to exist right now.
This is precisely how BOTH roles need to handle situations like this. McBride responded perfectly by throwing the chairman’s idiocy back in his face, and then Keating did what a true ally should do; used his social capital to stand vocally against bigotry. 10/10 no notes.
Followed! THANK YOU @keating.house.gov for being a voice of reason, decency, and being THE man and A man standing up for what is right!! That was gangster as fuck!
I transplanted from the Philly burbs 12 years ago so I'm used to nagging belligerent Republicans. It's just sad I have to waste time pestering him to quit acting like he represents a purple district in a swing state. The man runs unopposed!
I admittedly don’t know much about Rep. Keating. But he has earned a bit of respect from me for standing with his colleague, Sarah McBride. Following both reps now. 👍🏼
This is the energy I want to see from @keating.house.gov and everyone when bigotry is shown against Sarah McBride and Al Green and Jasmine Crockett and Ayanna Pressley and anyone who isn't cishet, straight, white male.
I did. But that doesn't necessarily mean a damn thing. I don't know the names of all the members of Congress or their party affiliation. Just the ones that are spoken of most by Independent Media and corporate media.
A lot more!
Box them all in until they have no where else to hide.
Big ass Bernie rallies and other Dems and Indies on the right side of this fight doing the same and being shown to as many eyes as possible will absolutely drive these MAGA bootlickers crazy.
Why do they care how you identify? Just as stupid as why do they give a fuck if 2 gays get married, and do what they do IN THEIR OWN HOME? How does either of these affect them? Same with abortion- they're all against it, but how many kids have THEY adopted recently? Nothing but hate & ignorance.
@keating.house.gov thank your for your integrity and strength. It sets the standard for the backbone and decency that all elected representatives should follow.
My confusion is where in the bible it says people can't be transgender?
The 1st half is mostly about the price of goats & cubits measurments
the 2nd half is 4 guy's self-insert fanfics.
Rep. Keith Self, the Texas Republican chair of the House Foreign Relations Subcommittee, started the confrontation by identifying Rep. Sarah McBride of Delaware as “Mr. McBride.”
McBride, a Democrat elected in November, addressed Self as “Madam Chairman” before beginning to speak.
As a Delawarean who has met Sarah, she is perfect for this moment. She has always been perfect for all her moments. What a treasure we have! Now, they need to Go On, Git!
I’ve met her too and wow! She is a treasure. Probably one of the most brilliant and level-headed leaders I’ve ever experienced. She’s going far - hope she brings a few Dems with her! 💙
I know, but he was trying to be a decent person then and we needed a Dem in the Senate. I donated to Senators Ossof & Warnock x 2 and never regretted it. I was hoping for the same outcome with Fettermen.
Kudos to Reps. @mcbride.house.gov and @keating.house.gov for standing up to a bully. My young children have more grace and understanding than this jerk.
that gentlemen rep was on point our politicians need to be doing just that but in concert with one another so not just one lone man standing up with her but the whole fucking room coming down on anyone that wants to act out and be on some bullshit!
Year after year our government at state and federal level is consistently full or 80 year old facist white men who seem to never leave . Thats why so many young ppl don’t get involved and also why nothing ever really changes . Good for her f him old POS
And, when they are younger, they bring a fresh fascist mentality. We need MAJOR reforms in this country, both cultural and political. This regressive nonsense has been given too much leeway for too long.
I, and 1000's others, have been scriming Keith's point -- THrow the shit back at them, 12 times harder (added that last part). They NEED to experience personal consequences or they will not stop. Save America through personal consequences!!!
Lol I love her. I have always said this to some of my Transgender friends. If someone misgenders you on purpose then give it right back to them. I don't even bother to correct them. Just slam them.
Holy shit. I cannot believe this is the world we are living in right now. I'm just hoping that something really good comes out of all of this. It's quite a spectacle. Join the resistance?
Also notable that the chair said “we set the standard for the floor” re: Sarah’s gender apparently, but when Mr. Keating ask him to say the std, he couldn’t even say it. He’s ashamed of himself and he’s so lacking in self-awareness, he doesn’t even realize it. Look up pathetic, his pic will be there
If I was supposed to address my Congresscritter as attack helicopter, I'd do just that and not make a scene about it, because I'm much more of a professional.
He was screwed either way… if he correctly replied to representative McBride, his GOP minions would had torn him to shreds. So he adjourned. Very glad a ranking member stood his ground rightfully addressing the situation. Kudos for McBride too for throwing it back with madam!!
Conservative men love to pretend that they are tough, but they fold so easily. That right there is what a WEAK man looks like. McBride and Keating are strong.
I’ve never understood the need for genders in business or politics. The English language should have a term of respect that is acceptable for everyone, regardless of gender. Like Citizen Edward’s, or some such. Unless you’re a doctor or dating someone, why should gender play into it?
It’s because she is a staunch “good Republican” and is a traitor to the community. She has repeatedly thrown them under the bus. Do as I say, not as I do.
That was fucking AWESOME! We needed this in the press room with Trump degrading reporters, we needed it in the halls of Congress and on mainstream media! It has been missing for awhile. It’s time to start standing up for decency again. Enough is enough.
So what? Are you gonna throw everybody who isn’t exactly perfect in every aspect that you want under the bus? Do you think that’s gonna help you get back your your country?
This is how you got into the situation in the first place by demanding ideological perfection!
Hot Damn !! Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a nomination for “post of the night “ !! Bravo, I salute you sir 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 (Informative/ Real 💩 + Confront Them, I already said They Will Fold Like A CHEAP SUIT categories)
@keating.house.gov as a trans person, thank you so much for standing up for basic human decency and dignity!!! This is what so many other Dems need to be doing--actually (visibly, vocally, UNEQUIVOCABLY) pushing back against this fascist coup, and protecting and defending those most at risk! 🤘🏻💚
Well done to the Representative who spoke up about the rude and cruel mis-introduction of Rep. Sarah McBride. Keith: who is the representative who spoke up?
It sure says something that the Chairman would rather end the session and refuse to actually do his six figure job than just respectfully call McBride by the correct pronoun, doesn't it.
I think what she did was beautiful. Giving back exactly what she got. I think that was more power than when the ranking member stepped it. I think representative McBride is amazing because she doesn't let the noise get to her.
Sarah McBride is amazeballs! If you haven’t heard her @newyorker.com radio hour interview; hie thee anon to thine pod supplier!
Don’t agree with everything she said, but the end brought me to tears. She’s a fighter!
The cruelty is the point, too. He could have just said, "Representative McBride" if he wanted to. But he went out of his way to say "Mister" just to be mean. And then couldn't handle it being thrown back at him and also being defied by the guy next to him.
There was one a few weeks ago who did something similar in a townhall (I think) and when called out for calling the chairperson 'madam' responded that they had been the ones who voted that pronouns could not be enforced speech and so she could not be compelled to call the chair 'Mr'
They have no problem saying firefighter, officer, server, mail carrier VS fireman, policeman, waiter, mailman, WHY IS THIS SO DANG DIFFICULT for them??
They actually do.
They prefer that only men fight fires, serve as police officers, fly planes, deliver mail. And they like a waitress so they can demean her and hope she grovels for a tip.
I had mostly positive experiences in public safety and a few other fields so I can only speak for that. It was definitely disappointing to see many of those I'd once looked up to openly support tRump.
I'm watching this, and I am absolutely seething for the congresswoman. I could not imagine being in that hearing. If this is indeed the standard, then Democrats should mis-gender all of the GOP committee chairmen when addressing them.
I have been saying we need to do this but you fuckers said no we don't want to sink to there level. so what is you level sucking the dick of every asshole that do horrible shit? we need push back!
You Go Girl! This is just appalling an elected chairman would be so disrespectful to another human being...she gave it right back and was going to continue unfettered. Good on the guy that challenged and what happened? He adjourned the meeting and took his ball and sent home to cry to his mother
Cowards. From school board meetings to Congress, if they don’t get their way, they shut everything down & blame the person they blatantly insulted in a forum that becomes part of our country’s “permanent record”. What a bunch of weak, insecure losers. They won’t even take the correction from men.
I miss when people would be drug out of the meeting into the street so fkn bad. I'm sorry. It use to solve all problems. It's a lost art to drag a guy out of a meeting properly.
Hello my name is Eddy am very sorry I might be stranger but I really need your hand of support, I feel like giving up on stray and abandoned children under my wings,I'm struggling to cover the cost of food and medications for their survival and I feel heartbreak seeing these children suffering
The GOP are utterly spineless. Shame on all who voted for their hate-filled cruelty. What's more, that POS probably 'identifies' himself as a christian, wth that means. Brava @mcbride.house.gov 👏👏
Call your US DEM senators. Now 202/224-3121. Demand DO NOT PASS CR on budget unless GUARANTEE to end doge. It is REDUNDANT. Every govt dept gets INDY audit EVERY YEAR. Reports fraud. Waste. Savings. EVERY YEAR!
No one let go of anyone’s hand. 💙💙💙
(202) 225-3111
That was magnificent.
Equality hurts no one ☮️💜
Box them all in until they have no where else to hide.
Big ass Bernie rallies and other Dems and Indies on the right side of this fight doing the same and being shown to as many eyes as possible will absolutely drive these MAGA bootlickers crazy.
bigoted old man😡
Especially, from a politician.
I am sick of bullies.
Thank you Sarah McBride. For your service to the nation in speaking truth to power.
And thank you, Mr. Keating for standing up to a bully.
So cowardly he had to close the hearing rather than admit he's breaking the House rules.
At least he doesn't get his hateful "gotcha" on FOX News Performative Outrage Channel.
And it's still unachievable for me
The 1st half is mostly about the price of goats & cubits measurments
the 2nd half is 4 guy's self-insert fanfics.
I told the cunt, Jesus needed ME.
I went on her page to block her, and her first post was, "Why are so many of you blocking me???"
Jesus knows why. You fucking suck you Christo-Fascist.
McBride, a Democrat elected in November, addressed Self as “Madam Chairman” before beginning to speak.
Proud to be from Mass!
It's the cruelty. It's all about the cruelty.
Intentional and deliberate cruelty. These are the values of MAGA.
Fuck them everyday!!
"This meeting is adjourned."
If I was supposed to address my Congresscritter as attack helicopter, I'd do just that and not make a scene about it, because I'm much more of a professional.
The other gent that called the asshat on his bullshit, is fucking AWESOME!
@keating.house.gov , for defending my representative, @mcbride.house.gov . Delaware won't forget your courage!
What a snowflake…
"Madame Senator"
It feeds my soul in the same way the fury eats me.
More of this indeed.
Feel uncomfy? Good. That's how we feel. Do no harm. Take NO shit!
did i say that it does? im a fucking trans woman! do you really think i want her to get misgendered?
"In a world full of trumps and musks be a Sarah McBride and a Bill Keating!"
I replied directly to that post saying "nah" because Sarah McBride is a Zionism apologist. She is not a role model or someone whom I wish to be like.
This is how you got into the situation in the first place by demanding ideological perfection!
second, two wrongs dont make a right. i get to criticize politicians for having shitty views. they can choose to change their minds & do better.
third, do you think bombs for israel & campaigning w/ Dick Cheney resonated w/ voters?
Moral puritanism is a lonely road and a narcissistic one at that.
Great post, and thank you
Don’t agree with everything she said, but the end brought me to tears. She’s a fighter!
Make them care about pronouns in the only way they understand.
They prefer that only men fight fires, serve as police officers, fly planes, deliver mail. And they like a waitress so they can demean her and hope she grovels for a tip.
It looks to be a small subcommittee comprised of Congress members.
Way to have her back!
I stand and applaud them both.
Second, VERY good for the ranking member to stand up for her!!!