AAA so cool :] 💖💘💝!!
Love worm going: A Newer Better me would have Wings and my body would be Multiple worms Together and not alone And I’d ALSO have a Crown and I’d look SICK AF
Reality is mean and cruel to worm tho ú_ù This comic is so fun :] 💖💘💝!! feels like this little fellow deserves capital pronouns but is "He" appropriate in retrospect? is our WIARG a "He," or a "She," or a "They"? even an "It," if WIARG prefers?
given how WIARG has discovered the power to make things, perhaps an invented pronoun of their own would suit best?
they are worth it
Love worm going: A Newer Better me would have Wings and my body would be Multiple worms Together and not alone And I’d ALSO have a Crown and I’d look SICK AF
Reality is mean and cruel to worm tho ú_ù This comic is so fun :] 💖💘💝!!
i especially like the time spent rendering wiarg's small fruitless efforts, like inching away from the crow. very expressive and good!!
my one and only criticism is that i dislike intransitive "lay" as used in a couple of the alt-texts :P
wiarg it is not going to end well
now i'm sad for wiarg
given how WIARG has discovered the power to make things, perhaps an invented pronoun of their own would suit best?