I think there are two policy changes foundationally necessary for a healthy democracy-
1- No private money in politics, period. Ironclad anti-corruption, anti-bribery laws. Citizens United must be not just destroyed, but inverted.
2- Better news media. No lying, no opinion news.
1- No private money in politics, period. Ironclad anti-corruption, anti-bribery laws. Citizens United must be not just destroyed, but inverted.
2- Better news media. No lying, no opinion news.
It is a flawed system at its core. And the only way to change, as far as I see, is a revolution, and not the voting kind.
I have a very hard time disagreeing 😂
I’ve described it as the acid that will corrode any container
Because a right to privacy is THERE in terms of the policies on due process, search and seizure, even quartering of soldiers...
How do you enforce a truth in politics law without making the enforcers themselves a threat to democracy?
But judging truth is more precarious. I really wish I had a good answer.
- Ranked choice voting
- Aggressive wealth/capital gains/marginal tax rates
The profit motive inherently biases everything.