📝Paper in Nature on #LongCovidKids
🙌Super to see a research team interested in & actually investigating pathology in children
AND they found results
➡️ Fatigue=most common symptom
➡️ Neutrophilic granulocyte dysfunction
⬆️ Superoxide activity
⬆️ Phagocytosis
🙌Super to see a research team interested in & actually investigating pathology in children
AND they found results
➡️ Fatigue=most common symptom
➡️ Neutrophilic granulocyte dysfunction
⬆️ Superoxide activity
⬆️ Phagocytosis
➡️These levels were detected from bloods that could be developed into a biomarker 2/5
➡️ Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell
➡️ Granulocytes are released when invaders invade
HINT - this isn't a good thing! 3/5
THIS is what we need to see escalated on an International scale
Children have been neglected & after disbelieved, this needs to stop 5/5