NSA to scrub "privilege" from sites/documents
["privilege escalation" refers to a hacker (NSA or otherwise) using any of a number of techniques to gain a higher level of access and ability to do things on a computer - ie. escalate from a normal user level to gain admin-level access/privileges]
["privilege escalation" refers to a hacker (NSA or otherwise) using any of a number of techniques to gain a higher level of access and ability to do things on a computer - ie. escalate from a normal user level to gain admin-level access/privileges]
Reposted from
Judd Legum
3. The memo acknowledges that the list includes many terms that are used by the NSA in contexts that have nothing to do with DEI.
For example, the term "privilege" is used by the NSA in the context of "privilege escalation," which is a counterintelligence technique
For example, the term "privilege" is used by the NSA in the context of "privilege escalation," which is a counterintelligence technique