Can’t wait for Jack Smith’s report to come out.
“I just want to find 11,780 votes.”
“I just want to find 11,780 votes.”
WHO refers to people, THAT refers to inanimate objects or animals.
refuses to acknowledge all valid proof put in front of them anyway. All it will do is make them even more enthusiastic for getting away with.. everything.
Exhausting watching over & over yr after yr to GOP treasonists rape our cntry while Judicial/Legal/Executive/Fellow Americans—
Failed 🇺🇸—💰🙉🙈🙊
I know I’ll be pissed off at a new level to see more of what he & the rest of the R’s have gotten away w/while D’s wait to sing kumbuya
Perhaps they should accidentally release part 2 as well ;)
“when it became clear that Mr.Trump had lost the election and that lawful means of challenging the election results had failed, he resorted to a series of criminal efforts to retain power.”
Justice Dept has no teeth and Merrick sold us down the river!
Follow me here, funny and intelligent lady, as you did on Twitter.
On the plus side, we'll get a ton of videos of Trump soiling himself like he did in Notre Dame or wherever, where everyone was looking around in horror at the stench wafting their way.
☮☮~"Just Sayin"~☮☮
Let it rip lard ass!
What if Bannon gets thrown out - and Elon stays in, then Bannon squeals that they got the ballot boxes in the swing states stuffed with bullet ballots.
What kind of back woods hillbilly Boss Hogg bullshit are they trying to pull?
See the Powell memo 1971.
Not gonna pretend otherwise.
You hit the nail on the head!
Something’s gotta give…..
Very high anomaly of ballots that voted across the board ALL democrat, except president vote.
That’s how he knew 4 hours before finalized.
Partly some thought they didn’t need to vote.
The rest are just oblivious.
I attended two VP Harris' rallies, the diversity = UNITED energy representing real AMERICANS, NOT racist cowards
I mean legitimate voters being removed improperly.
What we learned is that the Ds are colossally inept.
The Russian Mafiya state has beaten us.
I’ll never forget those words. Traitor. Smh.
That's the line that proves he knew he had to cheat to win
You know why?
It's a terrorist state.
“Indeed, but for Mr. Trump’s election and imminent return to the presidency, the office assessed that the admissible evidence was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction at trial.”
FUCK TRUMP. And fuck the “swing” voters and non-voters for destroying my country.
I want them captured by a Dexster type serial killer a dealt with accordingly .
We could crowd fund a few mill in minutes ..
The Justice Department released the special counsel's report on his investigation into Trump's interference in the 2020 election. - He ran to avoid prison!
My opinion.
What if they were sold to counties all across the country in 2021-2022-2023?
What if that is the reason the map went red immediately?
Zero chance of that?
And was fortunate enough to be gifted with an incompetent opponent with 0 political skills. So he won, and here we are.
It's reflection and guilt combined.
Democratic Party is basically liberal Republican Party—Republican Party is Fascist Party.
Need a real Democratic Party.
But that doesn’t justify not voting for better options.
The top tax rate was around 80 per cent under Republican president Eisenhower.
Now we subsidise the wealthy
Office assessed that the admissible evidence was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction at trial."
I suppose I'll listen to if Allison reads it for us. But I'm not going to be happy.
More corrupt like that , it's impossible.
Orange pigman
God help America
What a 💩 that 💩 is!!