Maybe protesters should wander inside like customers but with their posters rolled in their pant leg and just keep the showroom too crowded to do anything. Like an undercover sit-down strike without sitting down. :-)
Nope. Unless that Elon’s private security all tricked out impersonating police officers, that’s a no go. I’d call out sick. Tax money to protect a billionaire’s interests. That’s just one of the things that need changing in this country. Public servants need to know they serve the PUBLIC.
That is also a huge problem in America…where most countries employ security guards for…oh I don’t know…security, American police are paid so little, they are forced to do side gigs as security guards.
When I lived in south FLA, there were armed guards in grocery stores. Off duty Miami-Dade cops.
I’d spit on the sidewalk in front of that place! It’s going bankrupt & musk losing everything he owns & I mean EVERYTHING would be wonderful!! It would serve him right after messing with our government & our lives. His incompetence has hurt a lot of people so far & he deserves the same!
Over the past 2O years, Tesla has received $11½ billion in corporate welfare, not including the 75OO tax credit each customer receives for buying a new car
In their defense, CPD doesn't do much- they consistently rank as one of the worst and most ineffective police force in the US, so this keeps them from hanging out in coffee shops or sleeping in their squads all day.
I’m not defending this, just answering the question “who is paying?” Tesla pays. They enter into a contract with the local PD and pay for the officer’s time spent doing that job. (I work in local government). So AT LEAST it’s an expense on Tesla and not the community. Again, I DO NOT support this!
They should or they are in breach of contract with the city/police. You can also find this out by requesting a copy of their accounts payable for the date range in question. But they likely wouldn’t have that info right away. Start with a request for the contract. That will give payment terms.
Yeah, I’m sure the cost of paying the officers is minimal considering they basically don’t pay any taxes at all. Taxes are a federal issue….. UNfortunately. Otherwise they would be bound by transparency just like our cities and counties.
Another point of interest is that you can ALWAYS submit a public records request to that city for the contract between Tesla and the police dept. in case you are curious. It’s easy and it’s a matter of public record so they have to give it to you.
Fortunately, I don't feel that automobile customers want to walk through a line of armed police any more than they want to walk through a civilian protest Really?? The world is watching as you protect a billionaire's assets while Union employees look the other way at our democracy's unraveling. This is SHAMEFUL. SHAME ON YOU ALL
Isn't that interesting?? They are willing to overdo protection to the richest man in the world. This is a sign of things to come. Remember this. This is how it started.
Who is paying for this kind of security, please tell me it's not city? I agree with others - it is indeed presenting a bad look for his car company, but still...that is a lot of money out of the city's budget? Police state anyone?
They rather waste their resources on protecting a neon Nazi rather than the public as a whole, especially marginalized groups and our youth. This is ridiculous! Every single one of them needs a stern letter written to them or their captain for the unacceptable action right now
Yes, we are beyond that! They are in a cult. It’s sickening and pisses me off every day that I wish an 1812 or 1814 would happen in a modern and applicable sense for the betterment of society but if I go out and just say that they will say omg a threat a threat
I shared professional. I guess you can say your emails educating those who have been targeting us in our public health and safety, but I’ll also send you a follow up email one of like four that I sent to them being rude as hell to get on their level and they never responded to that one but the other
Ones they responded with professional counter argument statements with we’re trying to follow his executive order agendas. Also, there was no signature from any representative of the organization that I reached out to. I think I’ve seen on here others experiencing the same thing when they reach out
Obviously, but literally thinking about it. If you message them saying get your Neo Nazi add out of office or something remotely enough and apparently offensive and unprofessional, do you honestly think they are going to even read or listen to that complete message we have for them? No.
To be fair to CPD, they're there to protect against credible threats. They're protecting people, not the business. Groups are threatening violence and destruction of the dealerships at all costs. They're not there for peaceful protestors. If someone innocent was injured, there would be outrage.
No they aren't. Pigs don't protect anything. They just want an excuse to hurt protestors, same as always. I would argue if the threat is that severe, then leave because the car sales mostly pays commission and no one is going to be buying with cops lined up like that.
Meanwhile Delaware Dems are siding with treason, autocracy, the Kremlin, and Elon Musk. They want to hand him $55B off the top before retirees. Help me spread the word people! Take the article and spread it far and wide. Make Del-Dem-MAGA famous.
POV: The Chicago Police are needed to patrol the streets. A tourist was shot yesterday, in addition, to the routine violence that affects the good people of Chicago. Tesla has enough money to fund their own security!!!!
Yeah that's nothing new when they say their motto is to protect and serve it's to protect and serve those who can afford it. I wonder if this will be on an episode of that Chicago PD show?
Looking at the history of the police that’s what they’ve always been set up for. “To protect and to serve” is literally nothing more than an empty tag line, not an oath or rubric they have to meet and follow. They protect the property of the rich, das it.
They play at “community service” because it gives the illusion of service to the community 🤷🏽♀️ the police have always been weaponized against citizens especially Black and brown folks so there’s no shock at this from us to say the least 😅
Recall that people suddenly noticed what was going on in Minneapolis almost 5 years ago only when PROPERTY was damaged, and that still seems to be the lingering outrage for so many still to this day.
Major General Smedley D Butler wrote War Is A Racket in 1935 after realizing wealthy men were using the military as private security for their business interests and sacrificing the lives of poor boys. Nothing much has changed.
The stock plummeted shortly after police defended the Tesla show room. They inadvertently helped make Tesla even weaker. The disturbing image sent a strong message.
Since 🤡 has been in office, left. His response to major market drops, middle. When HE was in office, right.👇🏼His numbers were nothing compared to Joes.
I think the Police should change 'protect and serve' to add 'protect and serve COMPANIES' to the end. Not people. Fuck people, just companies. And of course executives of companies. Man I thought The Punisher was the guy that killed United Healthcare's CEO when I saw the lineup of cops.
What because? are you telling me why this is funny? or the statement above the photo should be poignant in some way?
again- two Very different issues. two very different places.
I think funny things are funny- I think gun control & mental health deserve funding- I think Teslas are shit cars
To CPD: Aren't you assholes late for your Dunkin Donuts stop? How about letting Elon protect his own shit. He's already plundering public funds, he can afford it.
I would think the Chicago PD has bigger fish to fry than a car dealership. I guess all the murders, gang activity, drug and human trafficking takes a back seat to protecting shitty cars.
Why? and for how much? Is it worth it? Nazi boy should have rethought his aliances bfore signining with a, "Jawohl, Mein Führer"
💛💙💛 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 🇲🇽 🇪🇺 🇵🇱 "Slava Ukraini" 🍁🍁🍁
Right? This is like the entire squad of police escorting Luigi anywhere 😂
People are shot everyday, but when a RICH GUY gets shot, well, we’d better guard the alleged perpetrator with an entire police force! I can’t roll my eyes hard enough
John 9:41 - Sorry, but they are damned. In the latter days, forgiveness is removed. you can only hold on to it, or follow a Trump or a Musk and be damned.
They aren’t Christians, so they think heaven and hell doesn’t apply to them. Christianity is just a grift. At best, they are agnostic. Christians everywhere need to wake up to that fact.
To be fair: American Christianism comes from Calvinism and when you read about that, so many things suddenly make sense about American society and values
Nah, see, they got a nice little dodge for that thanks to Protestantism (especially the Calvinist-influenced denominations) - 1. All humans are inherently sinful/wicked and deserving of Hell no matter what they do, say or think; 2. Only thing needed to be saved is believing Jesus to be your savior.
Is it really worth people dying? When your dead your not on this Earth anymore. Like the trees animals they return to being the building blocks of life.
Don't think I excuse the Right Wings tresspass as easily. My point is about resolving conflict. Not creating it.
I don't agree with vandalism, however people are angry and frustrated as nothing is being done to stop Musk and tRump shitting all over their rights and the constitution
Right, there was an incident in Massachusetts & one in Colorado. But the president says 'wealthy' people like John Bolton should pay for their own security. "Taxpayers shouldn't have to pay", seems Tesla can afford its own security, why should taxes pay for police to guard one singular business?
As were BLM protesters but the news spun a different narrative as police were weaponized against protesters as they likely will be soon as protest continue against Trump and Musk/Tesla. Trump has been making plans to make protesting illegal. He’s already gassed protesters before so he could get
that Bible photo op his last term. He’d asked he could just have them shot… so now that he has pretty much unfettered power it’s only a matter of time.
Yep the cops aren't here to protect you as a person they don't have to help you if they don't want to. The cops are here to protect rich people's property and that's the way it's always been when they started running down people's property also known as slaves. Fuck the cops
They should just do like they do with most other crimes (assuming any crime takes place, I don’t even see any protesters): show up after the fact and fill out paperwork.
That's a stupid waste of resources in Chicago and complete bullshit. Wonder how the taxpayers feel about the money they pay being used to support ketamine Clyde.
A little bad news for you.... he won't need a reason. He won't wait for a violent event. He thinks he's a king, he will do it whether there is a "good reason" or not.
"Looking at hundreds of campaigns over the last century, Chenoweth found that nonviolent campaigns are twice as likely to achieve their goals as violent campaigns...
... And although the exact dynamics will depend on many factors, she has shown it takes around 3.5% of the population actively participating in the protests to ensure serious political change."
"Chenoweth implores us to see the statistic as descriptive, not prescriptive, and as a general rule of thumb, not an infallible law. That being said, it’s still a pretty good rule of thumb and doesn’t change too much of our strategy...
Open protests invite BAMN! And they want to provoke violence and property damage. It is a danger for any protest or event announced too far in advance.
Do Chicago's taxpayers agree with paying such an army of officers protecting one company? Can't the richest guy on earth hire security for his own dealerships?
It’s silly argument honestly. Thinking they should allow destruction that will greatly deteriorate the area so they can walk their beats. They’re probably not even there today. It’s a picture capturing a moment. It’s not a live feed
I don't care. The police should not be out in force protecting one man's business FOR FIVE MINUTES! Musk needs to reimburse Chicago for every cent it spent on this.
No, I've repeatedly tried to reach out to the governors office of when our cities officers took and oath to protect and serve corporations as I was about to join the Chicago police academy but I have no intentions to protect and serve anyone but people. So I'll likely scrap that plan after this.
Trust me when I say you are better off not joining the police force. I have multiple family members who are LEO. It’s corrupt af and it changes you. Hardens you to the point where you stop seeing people as complex human beings and instead see them as less than human (esp criminals).
If you want to serve your community, go into social services or something similar. LEOs are basically trained to see their communities as war zones with everyone as enemy combatants. You can’t serve a community when you are trained day in day out to dehumanize them. It’s really sad.
Yeah I was going to get my masters in social work, I waited on the election for fears of the Dept of Education issues and loans. My autism makes me amazing at pattern recognition and problem solving so my therapist & I thought I'd make a great detective. Seems like it's a dead end at every road.
Yeah not sure what the deal is going to be re: student aid and FELP (at this point I’m beginning to wonder if the whole student load system is eventually going to collapse) but if you can find a good program, try applying for grants / scholarships to keep your loans low /1
Felon Musky is still the richest person in the world. Let him actually create a few jobs by hiring private security…or maybe he can pay the overtime to CPD.
We already know he hates spending his own money. Thats why he’s been using Air Force One and Marine One to travel and sleeps at the Eisenhower building.
Apparently a compound in Texas but now he’s living for free in a government building helping destroy such government. His minions are sleeping in other government buildings.
They should’ve given them the real experience and stuck them in enlisted barracks so that they see how poorly servicemembers are treated if they want to live for free in government buildings
We have long suspected corps were using the police to protect corporate interests over the people eh pretty disgusting tell those fucks to get back to work protecting and serving the people not the asshole trying to rule over the people like a king!
I concur you're speaking sense, I appreciate your perspective sanks this is where the systemic corruption, racism and discrimination are inherent in these systems it's why we wanted to defund them so we could rebuild the entire thing from scratch to follow the law and protect people not material.
This ALL DAY - f*cking shameful - protecting Cars over Children.
Cops have always been traitors to their class protecting the status quo. Can you believe this, most of these cops come from working class familys. And there they are protectors of the billionaire class.
this adl, which also defended Musk after he visited Israel for PR purposes, after he posted tweets supporting the great replacement theory. the adl completely forgave him and no longer even mentions it, even though he hasn't stopped being openly antisemitic on X or anywhere else.
This is atrocious. If the wealthiest human on Earth needs security for his private businesses, then he should hired private security. Taxpayers should not be paying to stand idly by waiting to arrest legal peaceful protestors!
Taxpayers. Way it’s always been. Cops exist to protect Capital, not people. Same reason outside major stores like Target and Walmart they have barriers. We don’t have those along city streets to protect pedestrians.
It's nothing to do with sales. It's so Elmo can set up his exit from Tesla. He can say "look how I'm protecting your interests" to his shareholders and all the while, embezzle the fuck out of the company before they push to remove him .
Yeah, seems like a bad look. I know if I were shopping for a car, I’d pass on a dealership that had 20 cops in front of it.
But I guess there’s no more violent crime happening in Chicago, since they have that many spare officers to stand around doing nothing. So that’s good news.
Yes ‼️ So please Help get out the word about the April 1 special elections ‼️ On social media ask people to donate what they can to ActBlue ‼️. Because right now it’s either save democracy or fall into authoritarianism. Help spread the word all over social media
I agree I think this picture is actually helpful and has the opposite affect. It’s keeping customers away and making them think about the protection their car will need once they buy it.
That perp walk was straight out of Hollywood. It was so well publicized they're going to take longer finding a jury than on the trial. I'm hoping for jury nullification or at worst, just the fake IDs and concealed carry. Time served + probation. Bye!!!
Chicagoland area has a population of 9 million, yet persistently report 500 deaths due to poverty-related crimes However, 500 deaths is only 0.0056% of the 9 million population. It’s time to stop using Chicago as a narrative . With a population that high, statistically, you’re safe.
💯⬆️didn’t Phil Collins’ ex hire armed guards to illegally take over his home…..paid guns from an illegal alien cyber Thug. I said. Even Al Capone wasn’t this crazy crooked
American cops are hopelessly compromised by white power movements, and intentionally so. Not really a way to win them over without being a fascist yourself.
It's not about adding more hate, it's about saying (the truth) that all these pigs are gonna hold up the tools of oppression to subjugate the poor
Anyone not willing to punch a cop or get shot by one isnt truly doing their civic duty to fight for our freedom
The problem is though that my lane is full of all the fall out from you fuckwits, so sort your shit out and we'll be glad to have nothing to do with you back stabbing arseholes.
I'm not telling you that at all.
So long as you keep you shit confined the the US I'm more than glad to stay out and let you tear each other to bits.
But it doesn't your shit leaks out everywhere.
It's a nice idea, but it's completely untenable with the present system and culture of American police. A Good Cop in that system either doesn't stay good, or doesn't stay a cop. They'll kick you out for that, and they've even outright killed people over that on occasion.
It's true that the October Revolution that overthrow Milosevic in 2000 largely succeeded because Otpor! leaders approached & were able to enlist cooperation by the police who then refused to fire upon demonstrators & even attacked fellow cops who refused to side with the uprising.
Protests come from people connecting with each other and organizing into collective action. During protests, protesters are generally willing to talk with people willing to learn more about or join the cause. We see this when reporters aren't demonizing them & before cops follow orders to disrupt it
Hey, thanks for giving protesters a needed rest! You think anyone wants to walk into a dealership with a brigade of police officers standing in front? It's a Nazi car now.
That was my first thought...would I walk through a police barricade to shop at a place that wanted me to die as soon as I could possibly find it convenient.
You know what you're right, The police are actually doing us a favor, They don't even know it That's one way to turn people off of Tesla have to go through a police brigade woohoo.
Not that I'm condoning grand theft auto and chop shopping, but that's probably one of the best options, use the extracted Teslas to convert existing vehicles into electric.
For those who don’t know, the police wouldn’t enter the school with an armed shooter - an adolescent with a semi-automatic weapon. 19 students and two teachers were killed, 17 more injured. There is no doubt that their delays in action led to more deaths.
Exactly This! This is what they feel is worth defending. Billionaires and their toys. However, children are not worth their time, effort, money or humanity. This is America.
I know it's true, it's just so God awful. America really sucks. Children don't matter here, neither do the elderly. So heartwarming to be living here these days.
Police or private army?
When I lived in south FLA, there were armed guards in grocery stores. Off duty Miami-Dade cops.
But an unarmed mom went into a school to get her kid out when the cosplaying cowards just stood there
If you don't like it, campaign and vote for leaders who won't do this.
A line of cops won't stop an attack if the people so choose to attack.
Meanwhile Delaware Dems are siding with treason, autocracy, the Kremlin, and Elon Musk. They want to hand him $55B off the top before retirees. Help me spread the word people! Take the article and spread it far and wide. Make Del-Dem-MAGA famous.
And you're right about Uvalde cops.
again- two Very different issues. two very different places.
I think funny things are funny- I think gun control & mental health deserve funding- I think Teslas are shit cars
We'll get to it eventually.
💛💙💛 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 🇲🇽 🇪🇺 🇵🇱 "Slava Ukraini" 🍁🍁🍁
If this were a Black Lives Matter rally, or Hell, the Capitol they'd be nowhere in sight.
Second time this week for that reaction.
Be cops, kids, and you too can protect the sales of death traps.
People are shot everyday, but when a RICH GUY gets shot, well, we’d better guard the alleged perpetrator with an entire police force! I can’t roll my eyes hard enough
Also: no, the pope does not say the same shit as billionaires. He certainly has his own kind of shit.
(Do note that this is not an endorsement of Catholicism in any way shape or form; in fact I kinda hate those fucking cassocks. Hypocrites.)
Stuff like that is not peaceful, but instead violent rioting.
Don't think I excuse the Right Wings tresspass as easily. My point is about resolving conflict. Not creating it.
me with her humor
and insight.
and smartest persons on social
She never disappoints.
That's a stupid waste of resources in Chicago and complete bullshit. Wonder how the taxpayers feel about the money they pay being used to support ketamine Clyde.
Doesn't matter. They won't stand out there forever. And when they leave, someone will probably express an opinion.
Certainly an opinion befitting what the CEO of Tesla is doing to the country at large
We seem to be protecting billionaires, not vulnerable children from deranged gunmen!
Trump is waiting for protests to turn into riots so he can declare martial law & rip up our constitution.
We can't let that happen.
If you are still driving a tesla, you are a nazi supporter.
Refuse to give Musk, Bezos or Zuckerberg a single penny! If the 99% stopped buying the shit they’re selling, they’d be bankrupt within a few months.
There'll be face-painting for the kids, balloon, and clowns.
No, for the protestors.
Some cops see it as just a job and dont care.
Southern Brotherhood
Proud Boys
Oath Keepers
Three Percenters
Support people who fight against hate
I think that nasty f'cker should pay for his own security since he's the one who instigated all the unrest!
We've seen this before.
But I guess there’s no more violent crime happening in Chicago, since they have that many spare officers to stand around doing nothing. So that’s good news.
I hope cops are paying attention. GOP introduced legislation to end unions. See HR 785.
Add sanctuary cities. Be happy your mayors and governors are NOT making you do ICE jobs. You enough on your plate.
They're impeding people from buy one since the brand will go bankrupt soon. ↘️
I'm not gonna act like they all aren't bad
(Systemic racism)
You guys are locked in bitter division and need to try to build bridges.
I wish I had said that, ngl
Anyone not willing to punch a cop or get shot by one isnt truly doing their civic duty to fight for our freedom
-Kite Man
So long as you keep you shit confined the the US I'm more than glad to stay out and let you tear each other to bits.
But it doesn't your shit leaks out everywhere.
We've been peaceful. Our peace is met with bullets.
Our legal right to protest peacefully has been labeled as terrorism.
How would you suggest winning them over?
It's their owner's fault in making it necessary.
For those who don’t know, the police wouldn’t enter the school with an armed shooter - an adolescent with a semi-automatic weapon. 19 students and two teachers were killed, 17 more injured. There is no doubt that their delays in action led to more deaths.