Dear Supporters, I need your help more than ever! 🙏
Life as a paraplegic comes with daily struggles, and I’m reaching out for support. Please consider donating or sharing my GoFundMe to help a disabled paraplegic in need. Your generosity and kindness can truly change a life!✨🔗
That work there. 😆
Life as a paraplegic comes with daily struggles, and I’m reaching out for support. Please consider donating or sharing my GoFundMe to help a disabled paraplegic in need. Your generosity and kindness can truly change a life!✨🔗
I knew they were twisted but I never expected...
Alt-text has typo, the last word is misspelled, should be 'balances'
We now have two choices. Live free or kneel to your MAGA king like a slave.
Color? Gender? Race? Immigrant? Rural? Urban? Worker? Boss? Poor? Rich? Red? Blue? Your flag is one of these.
I know which one is mine.