I have fallen deep down to the stationary and journal girlies part of the internet and I need to know if anyone else I know is here/ has been here/ is coming here. I need to talk about your BUJO setups and washi tape and why people even like fountain pens
- less pressure = easier & longer writing
- lessening your waste footprint
- way more versatility and personality with them (both the script and pens themselves)
- the INKS!
- a good nib truly becomes “yours” over time and adjusts to how you write
But I never had the patience to set up a bunch of calendars and trackers and to actually follow through with them. They are super cute, but I’m not the kind of person to do all that
And you can’t go wrong with a Platinum under $25, imo
In my experience as a newbie a few years ago, I enjoyed broader nibs at first (a bit more forgiving) and as I developed a hand, have found finer nibs more appealing.
I like fountain pens because they are such a smooth writing experience, you don't need to push to make ink flow.