Ого, круто, инди-кино - это когда снимают фильм про какую-то ужасную дрянь. Да, такие работы могут быть действительно нестандартными и притягивают внимание зрителей своей аутентичностью и смелостью в подходе к темам.
I wouldn't go that far. I think Bronson was better than Synecdoche in the '00s. When I think of storytellers who are up their own ass, I think Shyamalan wears the crown.
I think others have more patience for that kind of thing, I guess. I think someone can go a little far with the meta-narratives and having every angstrom labored over and everything being a mindfuck and I find the effect...exhausting. What he did with Adaptation.
Regarding “ugly people” in film (and we do know what that means in more than one way): We’re so ~not~ used to watching “everyday people” on screen that any portrayal of them/us on celluloid seems alternative, off-Hollywood, artsy or low-budget, even when it’s not really indie (The Pledge, 2001)
I don’t wanna’ tell too much, but I think that film would fit perfectly in a retrospective of serious “superhero films” because of the fantastic dissection of Jack Nicholson’s character (an aging detective dealing with the apparent decline of his abilities) 😉
Sean Penn’s “The Pledge” (2001) was not an indie film, but it felt like one. I remember people cringing and giggling nervously in the theatre when we watched Jack Nicholson’s unglamorous retired detective kissing Robin Wright-Penn’s more or less down-and-out character (cracked tooth and all).
she's a loner, with a vivid imagination, will she ever find love.
No wonder you're hated
lotsa folk gonna wanna see
-Indie film guys