I remind myself constantly that this is a sign of growing pains that the site is picking up steam, and of course The Bad Place was and continues to be rife with such spam.
It's not growing as fast as when Twitter made all those decisions but it's still gaining around 6,000 users per hour and will hit 30 million in a few days
Yeah I think the Twitter idiocy definitely gave it a shot in the arm. New features here will give it a shot in the arm again — sending video and images in DMs would be huge. And the more “normie” (IE not academic nor activist) accounts here, the better.
Sex accounts, NFTs, Drugs, funding scammers, real-estate scammers... (and some unspeakable 'genres' of social reverse engineering)...
Bluesky has been mostly a joyous ride for me. Not to forget, it definitely brought back memories from early days of 'Chat rooms', messengers & email phenomenon.
I forget that DM’s are even a thing here. Full disclosure i wasn’t really popular enough even before on twit(x)ter so i regularly forgot they existed there too.
Bluesky has been mostly a joyous ride for me. Not to forget, it definitely brought back memories from early days of 'Chat rooms', messengers & email phenomenon.