There's been an uptick in people driving colliding into people walking.
It has caused death or life altering injuries to the people walking.
So the Calgary Police issued an advisory focussing on what things people walking should do differently.
#Calgary #yyccc
It has caused death or life altering injuries to the people walking.
So the Calgary Police issued an advisory focussing on what things people walking should do differently.
#Calgary #yyccc
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1. Use crosswalks
2. Look both ways when crossing the street
3. Obey pedestrian signals
4. Watch for inattentive drivers on multiple lanes
5. Don't jaywalk
6. Make eye contact with driver
People who live and work inside giant motor vehicles view pedestrians through a car-centric lens.
7. Keep your vehicle in good order & use headlights... but also pedestrians should wear bright reflective clothing.
8. Adhere to speed limits
9. Don't use headphones when driving or crossing the road
The Police should have focussed their messaging on what drivers can do differently. It is the drivers that are causing the danger.
#Calgary #yyccc
#motonormativity puts non-effective advice to the top (as demonstrated by COS) and passes on actions that will actually result in safer streets.
How should CPS have handled this better?
The dangerous ways people are driving, and in particular driver’s attitude towards speed.
If you want to leave out the pedestrian causes, youre omitting valuable information, and neglecting the purpose. 1/2
Have first two for drivers (say speed and distraction) and then have one for people walking followed by a link to find out more tips.
where the focus of prevention should be, but that shouldn’t be dumped solely on this press release, as this memo doesn’t say anything about
future plans. Doubt you’ll agree -simply my $0.02
If CPS doesn't craft their message to hone in on what will actually result in change, we get no change.
Just ask former UCP cabinet minister Kaycee Madu here in Edmonton.
I can't stand anyone in the UCP but I am certain he was racially profiled.
* slow down,
* watch the people on the side of the road,
* if there are people near the road and they look like they might cross, slow down more and prepare to stop
Cars always win against people, it's a responsibility to not hit people as we were taught.
It should be the top item and probably the main message.
The reliance on this approach is why streets remain dangerous.
No where in my comments did I say we shouldn’t have stricter laws protecting pedestrians or bicyclists. These laws absolutely need to be enforced, strictly.
Physics dictates here.