The Google Translate translation work is really impressive. It even manages to understand shortened words that I don't even know if I'd always understand depending on the context.
"jobsworth" is one of my favourite insults. kinda in the same spirit. "an official who upholds petty rules even at the expense of humanity or common sense."
I’ve worked with dutch customers and I feel like you guys are way better than the Belgians and the Luxemborgeouise. You should not accept being equated with them.
(But we’ll have quiet words about the fate of New Sweden later on, you’re not entirely off the hook.)
So I am strangely sympathetic
Also "bokforing"
Like "Oh? So you have to go "jobbing" now you fucking pleb?
So say it with an angry voice ”bokföring”!
(But we’ll have quiet words about the fate of New Sweden later on, you’re not entirely off the hook.)