This is terrible
NCAN devotes itself to making college accessible
It is a big, big deal for them to recommend that filing the FAFSA is too dangerous for some families
NCAN devotes itself to making college accessible
It is a big, big deal for them to recommend that filing the FAFSA is too dangerous for some families
Reposted from
J. Offir, PhD
Immigration & Education:
This notice from the National College Attainment Network went out Thurs., warning immigrant & mixed-status families that it may not be safe for them to file a FAFSA, b/c data may not be protected & people could be targeted.
More at:
This notice from the National College Attainment Network went out Thurs., warning immigrant & mixed-status families that it may not be safe for them to file a FAFSA, b/c data may not be protected & people could be targeted.
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