Good morning, my monsterfuckers! And good afternoon to you who're on the other end of the world. Happy Friday!
How long has your character been around?
Jas is about 10 years old and has gone though several iterations
Luka has been around since 2018
They're all characters for a story I'm writing
How long has your character been around?
Jas is about 10 years old and has gone though several iterations
Luka has been around since 2018
They're all characters for a story I'm writing
Both have evolved as the years have gone by. Sometimes more actively, sometimes less so.
They're waiting in their swamp, because I feel like I'm not able to imagine their world, their stories and just draw them.
In-universe, each (main) character's age (in Volume 1):
The Word - 24 years
Black Dahlia - 17
Moonlighter - 60
Sameko - 29
DJ - 40
Plain Jane - 27
Mr. Q - About 30, even he's not sure
Moony (3 & 4) is a spin-off of an old OC from middle school, so she’s technically around 11 years old! Her redesign was 4 years ago tho :3
and then Sel (profile pic!) is the newest, he’s turning 1 this month!
Astor the swan...about 2019
I've played Ser Corrick in Pathfinder 1st Ed and revisited him for the Golarian living world continuation, so his concept is 8 years old.
I've played Charlie d'Etretat in a Changeling: The Lost game that started in 2009 and ended in 2012.
Ishmail ibn al-Tajiir is almost a year old from a Lancer game set in the In Golden Flame campaign book series.
Jas was originally a big bad in a game I ran back in the day. He was far more monstrous and a shapeshifting demon trapped in an underground city by a magical curse in a homebrew I did
My first fursona Loupgaros about the same time. She's th subject of an on-off story I'm writing.
Timeo for about 10 years
Sheena for about 20.
Most are about 5 or so years old.
Jaivyn since… I wanna say 2023
I found the first doodle I ever made of Skorp in 2007. It's shit-terrible, but most of the elements of his design have stayed basically the same since I came up with him.