There is One Religion, the unswerving progress in the right direction towards the ideal, which fulfills the life's purpose of every soul. (Fourth Sufi Thought-by Haz. Inayat Khan)
A friend was stuck on the wall overnight with his climbing buddy. All they had was 5lbs. of M&Ms (and a flashlight). He swears that after time they were able to taste the difference between all the colors and identify them accurately.
I was shocked! I say, shocked!
That’s some skullduggery, right there —
Claiming each flavor was different, when it’s more like an amalgam. 🤯
I’m glad I only ate Cap’n Crunch.
Both my parents were U.S. Navy.
I trust SAILORS, over that lying Toucan Sam. #BirdShame
Which color is your favorite?
However let's ask the expert:
HOWEVER, that doesn’t make any one better than any other. And they all fill you up.